I Have The Flu...


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New member
Oct 22, 2007
...or probably just a puny l'il cold but would still like some huggy sympathy, cyber Lemsip and tales of empathetic woe preferably to do with 'this time of year.'

*hands Sarah a balm impregnated hanky and a cup of sugar / paracetamol based lemon stuff*
**hug** hope you feel better soon!

Colds/Flu seem to prey on people this time of the year.
We deal with colds better than men .. well that's what we thought :lol:

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Bollocks to lemsip, what you need is a decent glass of gin and tonic with a couple of massive slices of citrus fruit in it.
Hmm, I like that idea.....perhaps whisky, big dollop of honey, squeeze in as many lemons as my lips can muster without totally disappearing. But yes, mainly alcohol!
My remedy is Beechams powders, honey, whiskey and a dash of lemon with a big spoonfull of honey stirred in. It's almost worth having a cold for. :lol:
Despite everyone's lovely words, I'm still ill....cue the music, if you're a Smiths fan. Bugger. And am missing out on a weekend's climbing on cold gritstone, too..... :'(
You can come and watch Futurama with me if you'd like, just promise to leave the heels at home
I went to a Puma meet with a stinking cold today...and I've still got a stinking cold. Strike that cure off your list... :wink:
Thank you, Mr B! And thank you all, although I must admit that I'm still woefully ill and with Shrewsbury wrapped up in Hound Of The Baskervilles fog, this is truly the onset of Sarah's long, cold winter...
If you're off work I recommend picking up Season 1 of My Name is Earl.

Each episode is only 20 mins long (24 eps) and is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face even if you are at deaths door ;)