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  1. Wild E. Coyote

    Car Suddenly Won't Start

    It would seem to me the OBD reader was not found by your computer. The supply voltage of injector should be the battery voltage (i.e. 13,5 or more V whit engine operating). However, at the very injector, if using osciloscope, you could read as much as 55 to 70 V of inductive kick voltage as PCM...
  2. Wild E. Coyote

    Car Suddenly Won't Start

    No, they should be in oil. Clean the oil around sparkplugs and read out DTC's with fully charged battery
  3. Wild E. Coyote

    Car Suddenly Won't Start

    Most of the errors originate because of low voltage condition. Try to recharge the battery (or get a new one), clear all DTC's and try again. The DTC that pops up then will be the one that is valid i.e. is hurting you the most
  4. Wild E. Coyote

    Puma from the river Sázava.

    Nice car and nice set of ATS wheels, but the offset seems wrong to me (more than 34 mm)..?
  5. Wild E. Coyote

    Will my head unit be able to use the analog vss signal

    The VSS signal is 12V square voltage. 9 peaks per wheel revolution.
  6. Wild E. Coyote

    NEW Fiesta 1.7 swapped from Spain

    Clean MAF with some carburettor cleaner. The wire has to be silver shiney, I bet your is brown and full of burnt oil deposits. Be careful, DO NOT touch the wire in MAF, just clean it by spraying. And then try the car, you will be much happier person:cool:
  7. Wild E. Coyote

    Pumesta mk5 1.7 French

    Yes, 12 bar is healthy engine! Ford says when new it should pump 12,4 bar on cranking speed.
  8. Wild E. Coyote

    Stalling at junctions

    Is it a single or two lambda model? In any case, I would look at the first lambda probe. That is the one in exhaist manifold, accessible from engine compartment. IIRC, the wiring is green. This code indicates lean condition. Lambda probe senses oxygen in exhaust and generates voltage according...
  9. Wild E. Coyote

    How to drain screen wash?

    I would strongly recommend to take the bottle out of the car and clean everything. The cars are now 25 years old and the bottles are full of all kinds of crap including the mucus on the pump filter. Once you clean that it will work again perfectly. Watch out for brittle plastics: heat it up...
  10. Wild E. Coyote

    Battery chargers

    I am using a Lidl smart charger (the big one with starting capability - never managed to start anything on that, but it is good for topping up the battery). I switch it on once every 4-6 weeks (when I remember) and let it do its thing. It conditions the battery and charges it back to 100%. The...
  11. Wild E. Coyote

    Hello from Essex

    Welcome. I am in Croatia:cool:
  12. Wild E. Coyote

    Ford Puma 1.7 with very high RPM on idle.

    #1, #2 and #3: Check for unmetered air what equals to basically any vacuum leak. Namely: servohose pulling vacuum from inlet manifold, vacuum hose for fuel pressure regulator, the Y shaped rubber hose going to PCV valve. My bet is that Y shaped hose below inlet manifold is perished what, given...
  13. Wild E. Coyote

    1997 Puma projeckt , with Audi's 1.8t quattro soul

    This is epic. You wouldn't happen to be connected to Toyota Gazoo Racing Rally team, somehow? I mean, the ammount of modifications is just on next level!👏👏👏👏👏 PS: What widebody parts are you using and where did you source them, please?
  14. Wild E. Coyote

    Panther black Puma from Prague

    Very nice indeed! Love the black puma!
  15. Wild E. Coyote

    Engine parts compatibility?

    IIRC the 1.4 and 1.6 engines are visually the same. So, if you don't tell, noone will know it is 1.6 inside:cool:
  16. Wild E. Coyote

    Puma Millennium W965 RDU

    Driveshaft seal on gearbox, perhaps, then?
  17. Wild E. Coyote

    Puma radio wiring 6006E

    Just saw this. If you need it still, I will have to dig out the old laptop with TIS on it. Let me know, please
  18. Wild E. Coyote

    Puma Millennium W965 RDU

    That is one proprely tidy engine bay there...!😎
  19. Wild E. Coyote

    New Headlight Rubbers

    Emma, can I chip in? My efforts to get it shipped out of UK were not fruitful, but my son is moving to Brackley so he will have a UK adress. I would need one set (both headlamps, obviously), when I have the adress, I will contact you. Ta in advance,
  20. Wild E. Coyote

    Suspension query

    There should be a plastic cover.