Not tried it yet mate, life got in the way and Puma getting some rust sorted, but will be back on it when the car is home.Did this work for you? I have an FRP MUFF ECU that won't show the temp on the dashboard of my Digi car
Not tried it yet mate, life got in the way and Puma getting some rust sorted, but will be back on it when the car is home.Did this work for you? I have an FRP MUFF ECU that won't show the temp on the dashboard of my Digi car
The only advantage (albeit small) of an old analogue dash over a digital is that when you're disconnecting the vss (a torque limiter) your speedo continues to work.Sorry to resurrect this, but I am looking to do this swap.
I have collected a TAPE digital ECU and digital clocks from same car, currently I have a analogue ECU and dials, I am guessing the analogue ECU doesnt have the pin/ability to output the MPH ?