Currently own a Yamaha FZR600R - not ridden since 1999!!
Last ridden/owned bike was a Cagiva Grand Canyon (900cc Ducati Motor)...*****!!!
Previous Bikes include (what I can remember)
Kawasaki ZZR600
Kawasaki KX500 (Motorcross)
Suzuki RG125
CZ125 (Don't
Kawasaki ZZR600 (Yes I liked them so much I've had
Yamaha T80
Honda 90
Honda 70
Honda 70 (One was on it's last legs so bought another)
Suzuki RG125 (Same one as above)
Suzuki SP370
Suzuki B120
These are all I can remember.
I had all the Honda's, the T80, RG125, ZZR600 and KX500 at the same time at one point, this was when I was totally mad on bikes and wouldn't get rid of
Got the RG125 brand new as my first road legal bike, passed test and bought my first new ZZR600 the same day while having bought all the mopeds in the weeks before my test (for a laugh). The ZZR got knicked at only 7 months old when I moved to Sunderland (Mackem gits!!). Bought my RG back from the garage I bought the ZZR from as they suprisingly just had it stored. Then that was sat for ages (after 11 pistons I thought it needed a and I bought another ZZR which was sold on about a year later due to lack of use (ex wouldn't let me play), until the Honda's, the T80 and the RG were all knicked in one night!!!...THIEVING BASTARDS!!.
Luckily the ZZR had just been sold and the KX was stored at a friends as he trailer'd it around with his when we went offroading.
Never bothered with bikes for a while after that and only bought the FZRR (a 94' L reg) a few months after I split with the kids mother - I was now free to go out with my mates Had that about 6 months and then garaged it up in 1999 cos I'd been a naughty boy. Never ridden it since, was offered good money to part with it in 2000 but refused as I can't seem to let them go, although I did lend it to the mate who had offered me the cash, after he returned it I wish I'd taken the cash as he doubled the mileage on it - currently 17k only!! which is now around 1k a year - and brought it back in the dire condition it is in now. The CZ was a work bike that cost bugger all and did me well even though it was a bloody tank. Bought the Cagiva on a whim as it was sat at a tools auction so I bought it there and then in Oct 07, rode it twice and the third time it decided to screw up on me in Feb 08 meaning my safest route off it was to jump. Bike wrote off along with my right knee.
I would have had most of these bikes still if they hadn't been stolen from me!!
Keep getting tempted to buy another bike but if I think about it for too long I chicken out due to my experience on the Cagiva.
Not even sure I will finish or even start properly restoring my FZR which I've had a look at a few times and half heartedly try to get running but that's all. Will probably end up as a pile of scrap to remember my biking days