Outdone myself today. Woke up to a nice warm/sunny day, grabbed a coffee & did a few online things then went outside.
First job, strim & edge the front lawn along the house front & down the side of the driveway along with doing the same for my neighbour, then mowed both lawns. Took a couple of hours as I was very thorough for a change
mmmm.....UV rays not flaring me up as they do nowadays, maybe I put way more SPF50 on than I usually do
Ok - so grabbed the pressure washer which hasn't been used for longer than I can remember (hoping it would work) & started blasting my driveway (it did work!) as it was getting a bit grimy - sheesh, took another couple of hours just to get the grime off it. Then I decided I'd throw a ton of bleach on it as I wasn't completely happy. Oof, where I'd poured the bleach before brushing it in really showed damnit - big squiggly lines going down my drive hahaha.
Jetted a load of water over the whole drive & threw more bleach down & scrubbed vigourously with a yard brush to foam the whole place up. Waited a bit then blasted it off - meh, ok I guess. Although it kept foaming up for ages even when it looked rinsed so maybe the bleach impregnated itself in deep - I'm ok with that
Still not flaring up with the sun - am I cured????
Ok then, what can I do now while i'm in an unusually active mood - pulled the forlorn RX8 out of the garage - poor thing was covered in dust, cobwebs & much crap of unknown description - a good while later & now she looks as good as new (ish).
Parked her up & then did the Ka - my neighbours will be wondering wtf happened to me by now
A few hours later & I checked the drive - jesus, it stands out like a sore thumb now it's dried out!!! I hope the council highway management people pass by my way & they'll see how damn disgusting their paths are compared to my drive & the strip of path I cleaned off for them!!!
Been relaxing (my back) all evening as I was/am totally f#@ked!!!!