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About the best looking family hatch that one!
Do your research if you go to view a red one ;)
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Outdone myself today. Woke up to a nice warm/sunny day, grabbed a coffee & did a few online things then went outside.

First job, strim & edge the front lawn along the house front & down the side of the driveway along with doing the same for my neighbour, then mowed both lawns. Took a couple of hours as I was very thorough for a change :rolleyes:

mmmm.....UV rays not flaring me up as they do nowadays, maybe I put way more SPF50 on than I usually do 🤞

Ok - so grabbed the pressure washer which hasn't been used for longer than I can remember (hoping it would work) & started blasting my driveway (it did work!) as it was getting a bit grimy - sheesh, took another couple of hours just to get the grime off it. Then I decided I'd throw a ton of bleach on it as I wasn't completely happy. Oof, where I'd poured the bleach before brushing it in really showed damnit - big squiggly lines going down my drive hahaha.

Jetted a load of water over the whole drive & threw more bleach down & scrubbed vigourously with a yard brush to foam the whole place up. Waited a bit then blasted it off - meh, ok I guess. Although it kept foaming up for ages even when it looked rinsed so maybe the bleach impregnated itself in deep - I'm ok with that 🤣

Still not flaring up with the sun - am I cured????😲

Ok then, what can I do now while i'm in an unusually active mood - pulled the forlorn RX8 out of the garage - poor thing was covered in dust, cobwebs & much crap of unknown description - a good while later & now she looks as good as new (ish).

Parked her up & then did the Ka - my neighbours will be wondering wtf happened to me by now 🤣

A few hours later & I checked the drive - jesus, it stands out like a sore thumb now it's dried out!!! I hope the council highway management people pass by my way & they'll see how damn disgusting their paths are compared to my drive & the strip of path I cleaned off for them!!! 🤪

Been relaxing (my back) all evening as I was/am totally f#@ked!!!! 🥱
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New car tomorrow, and it wasn't a Mazda.

Also, Paul are you feeling all right? Next you'll be driving your Rex ☺️
Tyres haven't lost any air as far as I'm aware - and to be honest it never crossed my mind to check.
Thinking about it, after 3+ years that's quite good isn't it - or is it? as it has been sat most of it's life on those same tyres with no additional air being put into them whatsoever so 3 years is nothing :ROFLMAO:
Joking aside, I guess I should check the pressures next time I pull it out of the garage. Wish I had a 4 wheel rolling road so I could take it for a spin - damnit, joking again - or was I?:unsure:
New new?

What are you thinking then? Or are you going to go all @Neil and take months of prevaricating?
As luck would have it, I’m in the market for a new car… unfortunately it’s likely to be a crossover-y family bus (probably a Kuga or 3008). How times change…
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If you're looking at a Kuga, why not the 5008, the 3008 must be more akin with the 'Puma'
Ka had it's yearly trip for it's MOT. Decided against getting it done at the Council depot as usual due to upping their price to £50 o_O

Not having that, so I booked it in with a tyre place a few miles up the road so I could blast off the cobwebs & it was only £19.95 - bargain!!.:cool:

Guess I didn't blast it enough as the tester said he had to do the emission test 3 times to warm/clean up the cat - oops.
He said it was pretty obvious it doesn't get out much so knew it'd clean itself out once he give it a good old thrashing :ROFLMAO:

Now at 3940 total mileage :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:

I swear I'll get out more, nice to have some fresh air once in a while :whistle:
Buying something off Facebook Marketplace tomorrow (yeah, I was/am that desperate). So I just went out to get some cash from the bank.
When I came back & updated my account spreadsheet I noticed it's 3 YEARS to the month that I last got money out of the bank & I've had less than a tenner on me since June last year o_O

I know I don't get out much but does everyone else use real cash less nowadays?

Oh - seeing as I posted last, Ka had it's 2024 MOT Tuesday gone. Same garage but they added £2.50 for an environmental charge - what a crock of $hit! :ROFLMAO:

At least I managed a little over 700 miles in the last year so it's only a few hundred miles away from 5k total at 9 year old🤫
Buying something off Facebook Marketplace tomorrow (yeah, I was/am that desperate). So I just went out to get some cash from the bank.
When I came back & updated my account spreadsheet I noticed it's 3 YEARS to the month that I last got money out of the bank & I've had less than a tenner on me since June last year o_O

I know I don't get out much but does everyone else use real cash less nowadays?

Oh - seeing as I posted last, Ka had it's 2024 MOT Tuesday gone. Same garage but they added £2.50 for an environmental charge - what a crock of $hit! :ROFLMAO:

At least I managed a little over 700 miles in the last year so it's only a few hundred miles away from 5k total at 9 year old🤫
You tight b*****d!! 🤣🤣🤣
Went out in the Ka tonight for some milk - first drive of the year.
Tesco is less than a mile away but when I got in the car I had an urge to do "something" else instead.
39 miles later after going the LONG way round lol, I drove into Tesco carpark at the exact moment the "something" happened.
Parked up & took a photo - how easily pleased I am 🤣🤣🤣
Ka 5000 Miles - 13.01.25 Cropped.jpg
Not bad for a 9 year old daily :ROFLMAO::rolleyes::cool:
Quite possible later this year depending how I feel. I bought a cambelt & waterpump kit when I got the car but couldn't stomach having it changed when it had under 3000 miles. 10 year old in November this year seems a reasonable time (to me) to get it done.(y)
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