At last i'm outa here.


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New member
Jul 13, 2009
Yesterday i looked around, and accepted tenancy of a bedsit in a sheltered housing scheme.

Having lived with my Mother after my marriage ended, suffering a stroke, Kidney transplant failure, then another kidney transplant (4th) in the 15 odd years i have lived here, now i'm registered disabled and unable to walk far, and stroke affected balance badly as well.

My Mother/(late)Father for reasons unknown to me, have never been loving or supportive to me, but my younger brother was the golden boy, as far as my parents were concerned about me, they were there when required.

Now aged 77 my Mother is becoming forgetful, but instead of getting help, she relies on me being an emotional punchbag, my Father had Rheumotoid Arthritis, and physically beat me, until i was old enough to stand up to him.

Hence most of my life i have been made to feel useless, unable to maintain a stable relationship, not being able to make myself understood in certain situations etc.

Now i have a new challenge, to live the rest of my life a damn sight better than iv'e been used too.

Probably be offline for a few weeks, but some members here have my mobile number, to keep me informed of anytrhing that might interest me
Gosh. Bit speechless. I thought it was needless to say but perhaps it is worth saying that there are a LOT of people who do appreciate you and do not think of you as useless in the slightest. Please don't think of yourself as such. I always said "parents - who'd have them?!" when I was smaller.

Are you still living in Bas Vegas? Keep in touch please! Will you get internet access?

I will hopefully get phone/internet sorted soon, tenancy starts 27th Sept, as a vacant unfurnished posession
My thoughts are as above buddy.

We're all here for you.

Personally some of your posts have been of a mega ammount of assistance to myself- your in no way 'useless', your a very highly valued person.
Scotty1.7 said:
Personally some of your posts have been of a mega ammount of assistance to myself- your in no way 'useless', your a very highly valued person.

Thank you Scotty :grin: i do find it hard when i post, what i consider, to be good advice, albeit i'm no mechanic, but i used to do work on my own cars, only to be contradicted by someone else, i bow to the greater knowledge of some people on here, but when Billy boy racer says his mate can do better in his lock-up, it annoys me, especially when Billy posts up a month or so later, asking us to fix what his mate cocked up.
Agree very much so my friend- hence why i always farm out work to those who are trained to do so- at least if they make a horlicks of it i can take it back to them to sort it out. If i cock it up it means its even worse to sort out
And ofcourse you knows how much I loves you's - your a great forum member!

I understand so completely as it is to suffer, and having Fibromyalgia etc is nowhere as bad. I keep doing stupid things believing im better on good days and regreting it the next...however - this is a huge thing for you to open up to say and I as a member feel touched you have said so much.

I wish you all the best of luck in your new home and venture. Here if you need a chat, virtual hug,'d my mobile too.

Tina xxxx
if youths dont want to take your advice pete, then they can get fucked cant they!! as you say they soon come crawling back. Thier loss not yours!

Your a valued person not just here but in life too Pete, and dont believe anyone who says different.

You are one of few genuine nice guys out there in a world full of selfish and self centered people.
I had no idea of the depth of your background, Pete

I wish you every happiness as you move on and into your new home

take care, my friend
warrenpenalver said:
You are one of few genuine nice guys out there in a world full of selfish and self centered people.

Warren i'm not being funny, but considering the hell that life has put you through, i am overwhelmed by your support, and i thank eveyone else for their kind comments and thoughts as well.
Pete i think warren's comments hit the nail on the head ,genuinely nice fella best of luck in your new pad