Diagnostic tests to take away?


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Dec 19, 2010
is there anywhere (preferably local to Pboro) where I can take the car to get plumbed in to the proper diagnostic reader thing to produce a list of faults/needed repairs to 'take away' to my regular guy, or can it all be done with the dash reader and a bit of googling of the resulting codes?
Do you think that there are fault codes?

I imagine there are loads of garages with a reader, from memory PNP Autofix have a Sna-pon one of some variety.

The dash reader gives all kinds of strange codes from memory :p
I have an ODBII to USB lead and I've got some older ScanXL software for reading codes. But I've not tried this since upgrading my laptop & netbook to Windows 7.
red said:
Do you think that there are fault codes?

do you mean faults to be found? Dunno, thought yesterday (when I posted this) there was a bit of lumpiness at all revs, but thern again it was the first time driving it on high(ish) country roads with a cross wind so might have just been feeling more wind buffering than normal :?