Green and Orange Project...


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Heres the original build thread, if it was rotten then surely it'd of been picked up when sprayed!?
Robbo_Elliott said:
You moron.

There was nothing wrong with this car at the time of sale, you've blatantly f__ked it and now trying to pass the blame to the previous owner.

How do you know??? do you own the car ??? NO... thought not... don't come on a site and start bashing someone with your first post!!!

I have had this car looked at by many garages (more than 5 before you ask) and this kind of rust does not happen in my 7 months of ownership (first investigated after 5!)this has been confirmed by every garage/bodyshop i have taken it to. If you actually read the thread you would realize there are many more problems with the car since i picked it up, (a lot of which i have fixed) than just the rust, most of which were due to the previous owners "botch job bill's" attitude. I mean there are bolts missing in the gear box FFS!!!

Also the re-spray was done a few years before i picked it up and yes you would have thought with the arches being done and the re-spray it would have been sorted but obviously not, otherwise i wouldn't be left with holes you can put your hand through!!!

I'm not saying all the problems i have had are down to the previous owner but he has clearly covered up many issues when he sold it, including the rust the ABS, EML, hole in the exhaust, and De-Cat. If i had more knowledge when i went to see the car i would have walked away everyday of the week. But i didn't i was lured by his thread and the re-spary etc and i made the mistake of not checking everything, now im stuck with it.

So next time you write on a thread READ it first and don't come barging in with "you moron... you've blatantly f__ked it" when you don't know what your talking about. We don't appreciate comments like that on this site.
Kizza said:
if not sell it to someone who can for a decent price just so its kept on the road

If anyone is will to make me a decent offer price for it, to keep it on the road then please do so!!!
I would love to see this car kept alive by someone as it is looking like i will be breaking it otherwise!!!

PM me your offers if you are interested :grin:
How do I know? Because it's one of my good friends cars.

Don't go getting up on your high horse you pleb.

A) the respray wasn't done 'years before', it was done 14months before the sale
B) I know the car was mint. The only 'botch job', one of which the previous owner will admit himself, is the back box, which worked for years.

I'll give you £200 for it? And I'll bring it back to its former glory.
I dont have to "get up on my high horse" as i know im right. I own the car and i have the evidence.

If that was his only botch what about the ABS, traction control and EML light he disabled in the speedo? what about the illegal de-cat? and what about the bolts and screws missing everywhere including in the gear box?

I am no expert by any means but when several garages and body shops tell me the rust must have been present for more than a year and should have defiantly been at least an advisory on last years MOT, i believe them.

In the end you can believe who you want to, but i am the one with the proof.
If you want to discuss this any more send me a PM and stop throwing about insults on here.
Well as a few people know (mainly just Aaron) I have made my decision...

I brought a RACING PUMA :thumbs:

went to see a couple and i couldn't get one out of my head...
I got taught a lesson from this one about buying cars and i spent a LONG time looking over the FRP (with the help of rob's guide i found somewhere on here(thanks)), I even went away and traced it through the owners (using all the puma websites) and to top it off i rang the garage that had been looking after it :roll:

With all that i can now say i am the proud owner of a very well looked after Racing Puma No: 0062

I have had the FRP for a little while now, neglecting the green one and i have finally come to a decision to break the Green puma, not only to re-coup some money but so i can learn my way around a car and more specifically a puma so i can look after and enjoy 0062 as much as possible :cool:

I will be making a for sale / breaking thread soon so if you are interested in anything keep your eyes peeled :eek:k: