Heater control trouble


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New member
Jul 12, 2013
Well i have the following simptoms and i am very scared since i do not have money or time for repairs till the end of the month...
When changing the clutch a month ago, my entry and exit pipes for the heater control valve shattered while lowering the engine. I proceeded in changing it with an aftermarket one, and today, after a month or so the following happened:
When cold inside the car, the air blowed warm air only at full rotation of the temperature knob, whenever i moved it so as not to be very hot, even an inch resulted in it changing to arctic cold air instantly :p (no warmth whatsoever).
today i started the car and took it for a long trip ~30-40 km (-ish), and the entire trip no matter what the setting it blew very hot air inside, even with the fans turned off. I cannot make it go back to normal and i am also scared of not having issues at the engine temperature sensor. The dash indicator shows normal enigine temp, but since i do not see the radiator vent going on, i have no clue if is works properly.
Any help would be appreciated,
Many thanks :)
In all likelyhood its because you bought a cheap HCV, they have a very bad reputation here.

It could also be a problem with your heater control panel.
quest63 said:
In all likelyhood its because you bought a cheap HCV, they have a very bad reputation here.

It could also be a problem with your heater control panel.

How can I check if it is the panel, and where is it situated? :)
The heater control panel is the silver panel on your dash with the three heater dials on it under the radio.

I think you should be ablke to hear a noise when your HCV opens and closes if you put your ear near the HCV and have a friend turn the heater dial.

I dont know a technical method to test the HCV or the control panel many people do it by a process of elimination i.e. they change one of them first and then swear and change the other one :-D

My guess would be its a faulty cheap HCV sorry

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