Mystery engine (looking for help)


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New member
Dec 5, 2022
I picked up and engine last night, it was very cheap with a gearbox and was meant to have kent cams in it…
I’ve just been have a quick look over it and I’m fairly sure the cams are standard; the could be reground I guess I can measure them?
What did stick out though is the injectors… I’m sure they’re not standard puma ones, putting in the part numbers seems to suggest they’re 2.0 zetec ones?
Any idea anyone? 58153F24-D92A-4A88-8996-BF35FDC17E58.jpegDA286661-FE9A-4B40-80FE-805BBF151145.jpeg
They do look like 2.0 zetec injectors. From what I can remember the 2.0 zetec injectors are 225cc where as the puma 1.7 injectors are 255cc. A lot of people seem to think bigger engine bigger injectors which is not always the case.
You can’t think of it in those terms.
Smaller injectors will give you a cleaner low and mid range but probably still be ok at the time of asking for performance.
The engine map would be the thing to look at as a determining factor.
This is the trouble when buying used performance engines - it’s like a box of chocolates, you never known what you’re gonna get.
But a lot of people do think in those terms, go on some of the other ford forums and you'll see it. Hence why you see so many cars with pointless "upgrades" that will more than likely hinder performance rather than improve it. Also assuming that the previous owner of the engine may have known what they were doing is pointless, there's also a big chance they didn't have a clue.
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That said, if you do know what you’re doing, sometimes… just sometimes you get a real gem and the old owner didn’t even know it 😊
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I took the exhaust cam out and measured the lobes on the inlet, which measured as standard.
I’m not too disheartened, it was very cheap, even for a standard engine so gives me a nice supply of spares

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