Newbie from South West


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New member
Jan 15, 2012

Just a quick intro from a new Puma driver in Cornwall. Bought my 2000 (X) Puma 1.7 two weeks ago... amazing! I'm loving it, and it's definitely suited for this part of the country with endless winding A and B roads :grin: ... Although, I did lose sight of the A394 at least three times the other night in the drizzle, so I am replacing the standard bulbs for both dipped and main beam lights with some Nightbreaker Plus in the hope that they will give me better visibility whilst night driving as I'm hoping to drive to Kent through the night in a couple of weeks.

It's very clean inside and out, except for some bubbling on the o/s rear arch (nothing new there by the sound of things), and low mileage at just 64k. I won't be modding, just some detailing inside and out to keep it in its original condition...


The only gripe I have is a PAS fluid seepage (advisory on last MOT) and a squeaking/rattling sound coming from the back on bumpy roads... any ideas? I'm no mechanic :?

Seen a few other Puma's in the area recently, and I know one or two of you on here are from the same neck of the woods, so if you get flashed by a Moondust Silver Puma, it might be me :cool:
H14 RUD said:
Hi mate
Welcome aboard whereabouts in Cornwall? Im just outside Camborne.

Thanks everyone.

I'm over in Helston, not too far away from you. Coincidentally, my Puma came from Camborne (I bought it off a guy who's in the Duchy Capri Club).
Cybertec said:
Hi from sunny there a better car for our roads?

Ditto... although I've only been in Cornwall for a year and I've been without a car until I got the Puma, so I'm still finding my way around? Definitely a complete change from driving (er, "queuing") the streets of London!