Old Ferry Boat Inn - St Ives - Cambridgeshire


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Staff member
Oct 3, 2007
Old Ferry Boat Inn - St Ives - Cambridgeshire

Date: 27th April 2008
Time: 12:30pm
Meet at the layby for a chat and photos followed by a casual drive to the Old Ferry Boat Inn where we can get some food and a drink. Depending on the time we finish up this could then be followed by another casual drive around the fenlands ;)

Meet Point:

Lay-by A14/St Ives


*Could be subject to change for a more scenic route

Destination Point:

Old Ferry Boat Inn
St Ives,
PE27 4TG

Confirmed Attendees:

Possible Attendees:

Note: This has been arranged as a joint meet with PumaPeople and hence there may be attendees from both sites.

Ideas and comments welcome please
Can we stop at the Lotus garage for a dribble, I mean look?

You can map a better route if you like? That's the google route above.
I may trek over one day just to see the roads, I have been over there a few times but not enough to know the routes.
That route is only 10 mins long, so a longer one may be more fun. Maybe out to Somersham and back or something.

I'll have a look and suggest something perhaps ;)
I have a friend in Somersham maybe she could suggest a route... then again maybe not :lol:
red said:
You can map a better route if you like? That's the google route above.
I may trek over one day just to see the roads, I have been over there a few times but not enough to know the routes.
You don't have to know the roads like the back of your hand to be able to plan a route.

I only vaguely knew where I was going on my meet last August. I even got lost myself twice! It's all part of the fun. Just have a look at a map, pick a likely route and try it out.
Its a bit far for me to come otherwise i would. Ill have to see how FITP goes, if your all a bunch of weirdos or not :)
Sorry I will have just been to a wedding on the Friday, then Brighton on the Saturday for new brakes, then Essex on the sunday for my Nan's birthday. A busy weekend :(
Brighton is along way to go for brakes?!?!? Getting something fancy?
Hi All,

I will be making an appearance after all! Sorry me and Mrs of 25 years split up ,been looking for somewhere to live ......aint divorce great ?

Anyway see you all there ,I have a few routes already planned ,some quite interesting ....if you know wot I mean ,we have some lovely roads around the fens ......


As above ,same time same place ,I,ll book the weather .Ok ?
If we can have confirmed number s will book a table or two .....
You're probably best speaking to Red, I'm not sure whether he's booked anything as far as tables is concerned yet.
Your right Steve - gotta get out and live a bit. Getting my Puma certainly helped me :eek:k:

Just been through that Divorce thing myself. Been there - done that - got the grey hair.

Ping me a PM if you ever want a chat about things - or to go out for a pint and a chat.

See you in a weekish!
Cheers Guys and girls .........see you all there ......tables who care's .Sorry but life's short so live it ! Ain't no lack of table s gonna spoil my day out .......


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