Shaky Ride


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New member
Mar 3, 2010
Chasetown, Staffordshire
Hi all,

I wondered if anyone had any ideas about this little problem of mine. I'll give you a bit of background 1st.
Car recently had offside shock absorber replaced after old one was found to have a leak. And is a CAT D insurance write off after having had a kiss on the bum in 2007. That's all been straightened etc and it's had 3 m.o.t's since.
I've got a back box that is blowing and rotten to the core (It's on my to-do list) which sits about 1/2 inch from the bumper exhaust and can be made to knock against the bumper by hand quite easily.
I've also discovered that the car has had a new nearside fron wishbone - which I'm putting down to another little dink the previous owner had with a kerb.

I've removed the empty spare wheel pan and the jack is tight against the rear arch and sort of expected the knocking to go away. But it hasn't. And the ride is a bit on the shaky side.

I'm thinking bushes, ball joints, top suspension mounts, does anyone have any other ideas?

Much appreciated


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