Standard Jack and brace - how does it store in the boot?


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New member
Jun 25, 2010
This may sound like a silly question - correction it Does sound like a stupid question, but how is the standard brace meant to fit in with the jack. I know the jack is held to the mounting point with it's screw/bolt, but does the brace really just lie there in the space below it (as I got it) or is there meant to be some kind of clip that holds it all together in an organised manner. A picture may be handy if anyone can upload one of how it is all mean to be. Maybe the key is with the towing eye, which I'm currently without (anyone got one and is near Croydon that I could nab?).

I know its a small matter, but bugger me it's frustrating...

Like this:


The towing eye should have a little plastic part to clip into that goes in the circular bit bottom left in the picture. The left side of the picture goes towards the top.
Scroll to post #4 (sorry, can't find the pics for here)!! Funny, that guy thought it was a stupid question as well!" onclick=";return false;
Cracking - The owners book did suggest it was like that, but the little diagram in the book isn't half as clear as your picture.

I didn't get the eye with it, I've searched throughout the car, but I did get the clip.

Thanks for the help,