"thump" when changing gear fast


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New member
Nov 19, 2011
Hi, Just a quick question, when I start off from a standing start and change gear fast, I get a "thump/donk" from the nearside off the car under the floor. If you drive smoothly it doesn't happen. My own thoughts are that it's the lower n/s engine/gearbox mount :? Has anyone else has this problem?
Cheers Paul.
tekz had the same prob but dont know if he solved it

http://www.projectpuma.com/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=14642&p=186716&hilit=clunk#p186716" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

someone more knowledgeable will no doubt have more and better advice but check the lower gearbox mount (looks like a dogs bone) wishbone bushes, CV joints,suspension top mounts,ball joints loose wheel etc

good luck with it
It's a suspension issue I think, with my problem anyway. Can you make it happen by braking quickly going down a steepish hill?
put the car in gear and handbrake on release the clutch just enough to cause it to engage but not stall the engine. Keep doing that on and off and see if you can hear a clonking. If so will be an engine mount, there are 3 possible mounts
put the car in gear and handbrake on release the clutch just enough to cause it to engage but not stall the engine. Keep doing that on and off and see if you can hear a clonking. If so will be an engine mount, there are 3 possible mounts

I have what on the face of it seems a very similar problem taking off in first gear,I get a clunk when releasing the clutch quicly,but its more feeling a clunk rather than hearing it.

No clunk when braking though. If I'm gentle with the clutch its fine. I have had a good look but cant find anything wrong.Whats the likelyhood my problem is clutch / slave cylinder related? perhaps a bleeding issue (well it is bleeding annoying lol) The issue is also there when releasing the clutch when changing up through the gears but not a clunk.More like a sort of feeling like the clutch bounced or there was a slight hesitation in the drive.(best way I can describe it)
could still be worn mount thats contacting metal on rear g force rather then forward g force
I have no doubt your correct but Ive hung off the engine like a baboon on PCP and had my foot on the sump and pushed it and theres very little movement anywhere.Having said that I cant apply 123bhp
ScubaSteve said:
put the car in gear and handbrake on release the clutch just enough to cause it to engage but not stall the engine. Keep doing that on and off and see if you can hear a clonking. If so will be an engine mount, there are 3 possible mounts

I had this problem when I first got my Puma, Steavie sorted it out for me, I'm not sure what he did but he replaced the bushes and wishbones.