warning to dog lovers


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New member
Jan 4, 2009
Hi all,thought i would post this up as ive noticed a few people ive spoke to aren't aware of the danger of grapes to dogs,three days ago our dog managed to get on our kitchen table and eat a small bunch of grapes out our fruit bowl,we took him to the vets as soon as we noticed the grapes were missing but it was to late he is still on a drip fighting for his life now,our dog is only 3 years old and runs and walks with us everyday he was a really fit little dog,its so heart breaking the vets have told us his kidneys are failing really bad and the chance of recovery is low :-( so please anyone with a dog keep grapes well away i wouldn't want this to happen to anyone else.
I did not know this either! I hope he pulls through to!

If anyone hasn't already googled it then here's a Wiki link with more information about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grape_and_raisin_toxicity_in_dogs" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Very sorry to hear this :( I hadnt heard about grapes being a problem before and its raisans as well apparently.

Chocolate and onions are also very bad.

This was the first thing I found about grapes

http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2012/04/why-are-grapes-bad-for-dogs/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Hope he recovers fingers crossed
thanks everyone for your kind posts,ive had to move him to another vets as they given up on him and wanted to put him down :-( they tried telling us we couldn't take our dog :roll: this was follow by try stopping me and leaving,he is now in a really nice vets where they have said they will not give up on him till there is no more they can do,we think he mite be taken to there specialist today in Winchester (he's in Andover now) to have some sort of protein drip
Fingers crossed for you! I had to have my beautiful Rottie put down after vets could do no more, I know how stressful this is for you :(
thank you yeah fingers crossed,i had my rottie put down last summer due to untreatable cancer but she was 12 1/2 so she had a long life still hard tho.
Mine was only just 6 when we had to put him down. He was a strong pedigree though, bred by Ivan Wally (Enters Rotties to crufts) so he was always going to be weaker to illness, it's really sad but sometimes for the best. Really hope he pulls through!
I hope he pulls through. It's a suprise to me about grapes though as I had 2 Jack russels and they used to love throwing grapes around before they eventually eat them.

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