Locks fixed, and boot sorted too!!!


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New member
Oct 27, 2009
As you know, I had the RAC out to stop my alarm going off on monday, and they thought it was a relay.

I thought it was my locks, so fitted my passenger lock properly as the retaining screw had come out.

The plastic horseshoe had come off the barrel (i presume this was telling the ECU my car hadn't been locked properly?), so i fitted it back on as i re-fitted my lock.

I put my alarm/boot opener/central locking fuse back in (RAC guy took it out to stop the alarm going off) and it now locks properly and the hazards flash when locking, something which hadn't previously been happening!

So my alarm works, my boot release button works again, and it hasn't intefered with my internal boot release, so I can work the boot from the outside with no key in the ignition, and from the inside when my ignition is on.

Lovely Jubbly!