need my puma putting back together!!


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Quest.. they are both a UK colour :p

Sorry to hear of your woes.. there's nothing worse than being taken for a ride..

I hope you get it all sorted out, I guess the colour you have is Thistle?
It's a matter of principle! Get justice please. Don't let yourself be another victim. Although you can stand up for yourself think about the number of vulnerable people in our communities who cannot stand up for themselves...............

Yes and agree with what Quest says it makes economical sense to buy a new Puma as they are so cheap now. I would have been happy to replace your engine if you were local after hearing your story as it makes me very angry to hear this is how people treat their customers. Another shoddy garage cutting a corner!

After this long hardship the wait will be worth it. Possibly getting a lower mileage/younger Puma.................

We are all routing for you. All the best


Thank you everyone, it is so nice that you all want to help. The garage is called rmv vehicle solutions in gloucester. Yes my car is in thistle purple, its the only one I've ever found. If anyone want to do the job, seriously I will come to you, anything to get it sorted! It is a v reg, and has done 70 thou. Not sure what parts are needed yet until it goes to my local garage tomora to check all the parts over, god knows what other damage they will find!
Im only in worcester and would stick a new engine in if i had access to an engine crane lol
Well Worcester is only 45 mins from me, and im from Redditch originally, all my family and loads of my friends are still there so i could go home for a few days while it is done if you guys want the job! Will update when i have it back from the garage as i will then know the extent of the damage. One thing is for sure, i am going to have to work my ass off to scrimp and save again, whether its to fix mine or buy another one. :( I dont think people appreciate Pumas until they have had one or driven one, its not just an old car, its a classic and i will always love them. This is my second one, first one was only 2 and a half years old when i had it, in colerado red. This will make you laugh, only reason i sold that one was cuz it was jinxed, people would literally just drive in to it! It was at Ford so many times having work done i lost all confidence driving it i ended up selling it and buying a jeep, anyone drove into that they would be worse off! Why oh why do i keep having such bad luck with these cars? :evil:
I live north birmingham, if you let me know the extent of the damage with pics, ill be happy to do it for you, but make sure you let me know what the damage is, so i know how long it will take, and know what im letting myself in for! I dont have any facilities for body work, but i can do anything mechanically. Im used to building turbocharged engines, not done a standard engine for a while, but if you are struggling give me a shout. Ive just had a job pushed back 2 weeks, so ive got a little free time.
Thanks, I will put a new post on here with exactly what's wrong with the car and what needs doing as soon as I hear back from the garage, hopefully at somepoint tomorrow. If fixable, fingers crossed, I then have to track down a decent zetec s engine to put in there, I know there are a few around on ebay at the mo.
If you want a standard engine I can source that, got a 135k but that's probably not suitable if your car is on 70k.

The one this week is on 90k

Usually get one per week so there are any 70k or less I'll let you know.

I'll beat usually beat Ebay prices as well and listen to it running before its out of the car, give you a photo of the clocks etc. which most Ebay sellers don't do. They're all on 60k on there but I watch a lot of salvage and none of the cars go through with that mileage on. :roll:
Id reccomend getting the engine from a known seller like Ian, a you risk buting a lemon from an unknown seller. But is it a complete engine you need?? If the bottom end is ok, you might just need a cylinder head. Keep us updated.
Thanks for the advice. I was told by that idiot I need a complete engine, but I will wait to see what my local garage tell me tomorrow, keep you updated!
evilrob said:
puma girl 12 said:
I run a hairdressing business
Thanks for perpetuating the "stereotypical Puma driver" image, btw. :-D


What a sad story, but that nearly made me wet myself :lol:

To the OP, hope you get justice in the end


hey sorry to here about your puma how the hell dose the guy think he gonna get away with that?! if your still after getting your puma up and running i could collect it for you sort out any problems and then delivery back to your front door! if your interested then pm me for a price im sure we can get this puma back on the road! :thumbs:
Quick update, puma is still with the garage, been there all day. Should hear some news tomorrow, god I hope its not too bad, have prepared myself for the worst just in case
I know, thing is he fixed my partners ford cmax, so how can he have screwed mine up so badly! I think he thought it was just a basic ford and would be easier than it actually is, don't know, just keep trying to make sense of it. The people on here have been fantastic, so helpful and great advice.