The worst looking car currently on sale?


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Active member
Oct 21, 2007
It simply has to be this. I saw one in the flesh the other day and I couldn't believe how awful it was.

I give you.... the new Toyota Prius.







Can anyone beat it?
When I saw the new type R in the flesh I thought it was a styling mess. Far too much going on. A child of the Fast and Furious generation though I expect and others might love it.
My vote goes to the Citroen Cactus. It's a pool car at my work. And not a popular one. What is all the rubber about? Never really got my head around it

I can't remember exactly which car, but in the late 70's or early 80's the Japanese designed a car and had it built in Italy! It should have been the other way round. Can anyone remember which model it was?
tuonokid said:
[post]351277[/post] Alfa Romeo Arna.

Currently on sale ;)
I've changed my mind - I've just seen a picture of the new Civic Type R in profile.


What a turd.
Fanwheel said:
[post]350727[/post] My vote goes to the Citroen Cactus. It's a pool car at my work. And not a popular one. What is all the rubber about? Never really got my head around it

Better than getting upset when someone dents your car door with theirs.
To be fair to Citroen, they, like most other manufacturers, have designers who cannot seem to match colours. Like many cars, the colour choice can give you a like/dislike of a particular model. For example, why do Jaguar insist on putting "beige" coloured upholstery in most of their cars, and offer black as an option?
I think the Cactus looks better with colours like this:
tuonokid said:
[post]351277[/post] Alfa Romeo Arna.
Looks-wise, that's just a standard 80's/90's mousetrap cheese design, isn't it? Citroen, Fiat, Renault(?), VW(?), Datsun, Nissan, etc all had motors looking well nigh identical to this -

Mind you, 95% of cars all look the same to me anyway, I'm not exactly 'a trainspotter' on this stuff. :)

Instant time travel -
What's wrong with the colours of Citroen? Not following there, it's just what you prefer and there are a lot of coulours available. Also, the Citroen Cactus is nothing for me but the car works well over here and many people like it. Not for me but not an ugly design imho. Anyway, the first car in this thread (the Toyota Prius) looks awfull indeed :eek:
Prius is pretty bad.

Unfortunately I've driven a Cactus. They're very popular with hire car companies (because of the ding proofing I assume). The one I had had an appalling engine, gearbox, steering and brakes. Otherwise it was ok, apart from the seats, controls and infotainment system.

Nissan Juke is pretty bad. Kia have ruined the Sportage too.