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  1. C

    Another rear speaker puzzler....but not the usual one.....

    Cheers peeps, will investigate the meantime one of the scrappy Pumas had a leather interior....mmmmmmm leatherrrrrrrrr......
  2. C


    Or a trip down the scrappy....picked up an air box to mod as well as a load of clips and the little round bit that covers that hole in the footwell..... :lol:
  3. C

    Another rear speaker puzzler....but not the usual one.....

    Sorry if I was unclear - no subs etc...just the front door speakers - which are fine and now ( just discovered) fitted standard Ford rear speakers...the rears are not working, and the 'FADE' control on the 6000 head unit not coming up I have always assumed that no rears were fitted, hence fade...
  4. C

    Another rear speaker puzzler....but not the usual one.....

    So have a day off and messing about with the Puma, decided to have the rear door cards out and have a rust hunt....while i'm in there notice that the little beast has been hiding a secret two 'standard' Ford rear speakers all wired up by the look of it.....why don't they work? Fitted with a...
  5. C

    Another rear speaker puzzler....but not the usual one.....

    So have a day off and messing about with the Puma, decided to have the rear door cards out and have a rust hunt....while i'm in there notice that the little beast has been hiding a secret two 'standard' Ford rear speakers all wired up by the look of it.....why don't they work? Fitted with a...
  6. C

    Bridport Sunday 22 April

    A silver Y reg gave me my first wave ever yesterday...melina blue on a V plate....cheers! ...well in the car anyway, used to it on the bike!
  7. C

    Breaking 2001/Y 1.7 in Panther Black

    Hi ian..... After a passenger side mudflap for my V reg....thought i heard something funny! ...and would like to get an idea on price for a set of good millie 12 spoke alloys.... Cheers, chris
  8. C

    Insurance is to expensive, were to get cheaper insurance

    Local roads for local people innit maaate? Have to say that cheap insurance is one of the few benefits of being older, 54 Deb'n......
  9. C

    Newbie wanting some advice..

    I put a set of the badge upgrades on mine and she has BK alloys... Though i would swap for millies in a moment (anyone? devon?)... I think she is beautiful the way she is, don't need no go fasters or adverts for companies that ain't paying...anyone like Neil Young, This Notes For You?.......
  10. C

    Replacing 5000 RDS with a Sony, too many wires?!?

    Believe thats rhe case.....the green block is for the six pack.....also where the 'cheat' wire plugs on if you want to use a ipod.....
  11. C


    I have to say (in my opinion of course) .......looks flocking awful! But each to their own etc....
  12. C

    Another newbie

    Yep Melina colour but i'm welcome aboard...ask and the elder ones will answer!
  13. C

    car not start

    innit! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
  14. C

    New Guy here

    Whilre I agree that it would be very satisfying to cut out the rust and do the repairs yourself, i chose to let an expert do it and spent the time I saved cleaning and rustproofing the rest of the car...doing the heater valve, headlamps and sorting the sounds...well at least as far as deciding...
  15. C


    Just enjoy and keep her serviced and tidy?....not been an owner very long, but the more I read about 'mods' the more I think i'll let her do what she was designed to do, make me smile and not frighten the sh#t out of me...or cost me an arm and a leg to keep on the road, at age 54 Iseem to have...