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  • Cubatoo
    Cubatoo replied to the thread One of us!.
    Hello and welcome Jenn. Your Puma looks mint!
  • John Woodward
    John Woodward reacted to memyselfi's post in the thread One of us! with Like Like.
    I dropped an Android unit into mine. Gives me music (I have a 16gig SD card in it), hands free, Bluetooth, Satnav & a host of other...
  • C
    ClarkeWilson reacted to caprixpack's post in the thread My Millennium with Like Like.
    Yeah, they're far too long. I ended up using the rear hoses on the front for the time being. I'm going to have some custom length hoses...
  • M
    memyselfi replied to the thread One of us!.
    I dropped an Android unit into mine. Gives me music (I have a 16gig SD card in it), hands free, Bluetooth, Satnav & a host of other...
  • John Woodward
    John Woodward replied to the thread One of us!.
    The original Ford CD6000 or CD6006 are all well over 20 years old now and very limited in what they do, the CD6006 6 CD version is very...
  • P
    PickleJenn replied to the thread One of us!.
    I'd probably be happy with that myself but my stereo has a laser fault on the cd which can't be repaired and I don't think there's an...
  • John Woodward
    Good luck with the sale, may I suggest a location would be helpful for prospective buyers, as well as more photos.
  • John Woodward
    For Sale 2001 Puma 1700 Road Rally/ Targa rally car. MOT October 2025, Mondeo V6 front brakes, higher grade brake fluid, Goodrich...
  • John Woodward
    John Woodward replied to the thread One of us!.
    I use an 8gb USB stick for my music and another lot of MP3 tracks on a CD, I think I get about 12 albums on one CD.
  • John Woodward
    John Woodward reacted to PickleJenn's post in the thread One of us! with Like Like.
    Good point, I didn't think of that. Glad you pointed that out. Hmm, well unless I can find one that folds out downward rather than up I...
  • P
    PickleJenn replied to the thread One of us!.
    Good point, I didn't think of that. Glad you pointed that out. Hmm, well unless I can find one that folds out downward rather than up I...
  • John Woodward
    John Woodward replied to the thread One of us!.
    I was thinking of a single din fold out one, but decided against it, as it would reduce access to the switches. I have a single din DAB...
  • John Woodward
    John Woodward reacted to PickleJenn's post in the thread One of us! with Like Like.
    Ah yeah thank you, I appreciate the heads up. I think it's like a 1.5 din or something unusual like that, right? I've seen some single...
  • P
    PickleJenn replied to the thread One of us!.
    Ah yeah thank you, I appreciate the heads up. I think it's like a 1.5 din or something unusual like that, right? I've seen some single...
  • John Woodward
    John Woodward replied to the thread One of us!.
    Welcome to the forum, Puma's are great cars, underrated my some, but not on here. They can be addictive, I have 2 ! Regarding changing...