Recent content by redjamjam


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  1. redjamjam

    1999 Silver Ford Puma £700 in Bristol

    1999 Silver Ford Puma 1.7 16V for sale in Bristol. Fantastic condition car for age. Bought this car off my sister to tie us over until we could afford a bigger family car. I kept it for longer than expected as i just love this car !! Drives really well and has passed its MOT which is now due in...
  2. redjamjam

    The £650 Puma

    thanks, god tell me about it i have sealed everything under there......... twice. Did the second lot yesterday but am not convinced as i thought i had done a good job the first time around :x i did wonder if taking the wheel off and having a look under there may reveal something. I did not want...
  3. redjamjam

    The £650 Puma

    Hello sorry to come into this thread (not sure how to contact members or if its allowed) but with regards to your earliar post on the leak, did you have to remove the whole dash, you said it could be done from the top ? (i am sure i have the same issue as i have done everything else) am planning...
  4. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    :grin: :grin: well my wifes mates husband does abit of car maintenance so he should be round to help me do the ubove link tonight :grin: am soooooo greatful !!!!! as long as this is the problem of course :-) Will post up the results hopefully tonight/tomorrow morning.
  5. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    This is my next step. I am sure this is it !! But gonna take to the garage as I really don't fancy taking the dash out" onclick=";return false; Comments, suggestions welcome
  6. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Ann ok will try and load up later. Been to glass repairer and they said its not the screen, and did not charge me either. Have just sealed again under all by the grommits and anything that looks like it could have water through it........ Within reason of course. Door seals look fine to me as I...
  7. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    yes i did seal around the pollen filter base but did not take the filter housing out ? should i have done this ? is it just the two bolts at the front to remove it ? Dried out this morning and put paper down. 40 mins later the two marked papered areas were wet, if this sheads any light for...
  8. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Well after one day of rain yesterday my passenger side was soaked :-( think im gonna have to take it to well known glass repairer to have the water test :'( im actually hoping its the window seal as at least i will have some answers. I tried :x
  9. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Well, saturday afternoon was spent clearing the area to put my roof sealant in and after covering both grommits (the smaller one looked suspect) and around the bace of the pollen filter and around the HCV, my hands were cut to shreads !! Afew beers on that night sorted that and i slept feeling...
  10. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Ahhhh ok i can see on the second picture !!! ha ha lets get stuck in, thanks :twisted: Also does anyone know how to remove the pollen filter housing as a lot of u seem to have stripped yours to get a good look in that area ? I want to get it right this time. Thanks
  11. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Thanks but could you please clarify "plates" is this the holes (grill like) under the black scuttle that is removeable ? Am gonna also start again with this grommit son of a gun !!!! :twisted: Thanks
  12. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Thanks you all for your help............ but its still leaking !! and driving me crazy :x have even filled around the gromit area with expanding foam to try and locate the problem. Its coming in from the far left corner when sat in the passenger seat. Have also filled bottom of windscreen and...
  13. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Thanks for the reply but could you please clarify if this was done from under the bonnet and did you seal both grommits on the right when looking under the bonnet ? did you just seal the whole thing ? Thanks
  14. redjamjam

    Leaky passenger footwell

    Hello, have really enjoyed reading all your posts and as I have recently purchased my puma I have hit an issue that has been much discussed on here but I am still having the slight leak on the passenger footwell. I am not really handy with cars but I am enjoying this new hobby of mine. Ok, I...