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  1. G


    Opened car as normal with the car, opened door and boot - alarm going off. Eventually stops but immobiliser sets car off again when you try and start it. Some one please help :(
  2. G

    Engine temp problem :(

    About 6 weeks ago I noticed that my car wasn't getting up to temperature when normally it would. It was freezing outside so I just put it down to that and the fact that I wasn't really driving *that* far (just to work) But then I noticed that it fluctuated throughout a longer journey. I didn't...
  3. G

    Major problem?

    I was wondering if someone could give me any ideas. My puma has only just started doing this. When slowing down to an almost stop, the brake pedal feels like it grates on something and gets stiff before releasing quickly and allowing me to carry on braking. The pads were changed last June...
  4. G


    I have been a Puma owner on and off for 2 years and in all that time I never knew it had an alarm! I can only open my Puma from the passenger side so today I did it like any other day but when I opened the door the alarm started to go off, lights started flashing, I started getting the sweats...
  5. G

    Does my car hate me?

    Ive had my Puma for a few months now. MOT due tomorrow and it's booked in for 12noon. Lovely. Haven't had ANY problems with it up until 2pm this afternoon.... ABS and Traction Control light flickered on and stayed on. Wonderful! I'm beginning to despair of cars all together, I feel like...
  6. G

    Strange engine stutter

    Was wondering if I could ask some advice. Its not a very technical explanation so please bare with me! I was rolling along in 2nd at about 5mph whilst letting a car pull around a parked car in the oncoming direction. When I accelerated gently the engine felt as though it was stalling, the...
  7. G

    Will this fit?

    Does anyone know if this would fit in my 1.7 R reg Puma? Thank you
  8. G

    A swap success! Focus for Puma (guess who got better deal?!)

    I have been trawling a swapping website for a few months after getting bored and fed up of my old lolloppy Focus. 5 doors and 1.6 engine, it felt like a shed on wheels. It coughed and spluttered everywhere and was literally no fun I owned a Puma about a year ago and since selling it (couldn't...