Ford meet, Squires Cafe Sun 3/4/2016


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Active member
Nov 23, 2012
At last, the light at the end of the long winter tunnel, the First all Ford show of the year at Squires café W/N Yorkshire on Sunday 3/4/2016. To all those that haven't been this is a motorbike café but it's the friendliest place you can go to. As the meet is on a Sunday the carvery is open and I can say it's really nice and value for money and the bacon butties are amongst the best. Hopefully we can organise a convoy again and try and keep all the Pumas/FRPs together.
There is a distinct possibility that I will pop up to this. I will try and tie this in with a visit to Dave B's for some tyres :grin:
Be good to see you and if you come to the show first I'll take you through to Daves as he lives quite close to me.
Hi Barry, I'm a maybe as the FRP will still be in bits and the black one isn't coming out of winter hibernation until May!

I'll be shamed into parking over the road...
Right Guys and Gals, I've just had a word with Paul (748) and the meeting time and place for anyone wanting to join is 9.30 Sunday morning in the layby on the A63 just before the top of the old A1. If you want to look on a map it's a couple of miles to the East of the A63/A656 roundabout. The layby is on the left and it's a big layby, probably over 100m long.
If anyone wants to post this on the Puma Facebook page feel free.
This is a good meet for any classic Ford fans, was a good turnout last year and the weather forecast looks promising for Sunday.
Sorry gents, can't make it this time which is a real shame. Got a day to do FRP work and a pair of hands to help so I couldn't say no - plus Keeley is out with the little one so no child or fiancé duties!
Well we went to the show today and even though the weather was not so good it was even busier than usual. Unfortunately the weather had ruined the field that the show was set in so it took ages to get parked up and my car got covered in mud.

There were about another 3 or 4 Pumas present from the Face book page including an FRP.
Paul (DOH) had said he was coming to this show and we spent some time with him and I hope he enjoyed the show and has a good trip home tomorrow. We had a good look around his tidy Moondust Puma before we departed.