New keys


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New member
Feb 15, 2010
I've a W Reg Puma, bought about a year and a half ago.
I'm going to need a second set of keys - when I bought it the car only came with one remote (the three button type).

I'm a bit unclear as to how easy this is - I gather if I had another key already (or the red master key) that I'd be able to buy a standard (Non remote controlled key) cheaply and code it myself?
Saying as I only have one key, is the only option I'm looking at a Ford dealer or an auto electrician or locksmith?

Thanks for your help,

Edit: Have read on" onclick=";return false; that I can simply order a new red master key from them, then pay an auto electrician to do the job (says it would be 5 mins and cost £25-£40), does this sound right?
The key has to be coded to the engine and Ford charge around £80 for a visit to their workshop. £40 sounds better!! Once you have 2 working keys get some spares and code them yourself in case you lose one.
I'm guessing if you get the red master key you won't need any help from anyone else cept maybe getting the new keys cut to your doors/ignition as the programming can be done by you once you have two working keys.

Gonna have a look at that site myself for this red key as I ain't got one. Not sure if they need a code as I ain't got that either so god knows how they can set it up for the car so it works without programming.

EDIT:- Mine's a PATS II so I don't get a red key :(

With the red key I see you DO have to get it programmed still.

Seen this site before and I've probably got it in my favourites but I lose track
I think this is the one you need (same type as my Dec 2001).
Just needs coding and cutting:" onclick=";return false;
No point anyway Rick as I have 3 keys now but thought the red one being a master was one you could buy pre-coded from the factory or something to match the car. Just would have been nice to have the original - as it were. Apparently the ones our age didn't come with one anyway so I'd be no better or worse off without it ;)

After writing all that I checked the link and see it's a black key with the red transponder. Funnily enough I have 2 of those and a FULL red key, but they're off an old Escort I had. Always wondered if I could have butchered them before I bought my replacement