PANIC! black smoke.....headgasket?


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New member
Nov 24, 2007
got the driveshaft fixed, drove the car down the drive & it was belching greyish black smoke!!!!!!!!!!!! PANIC!

oils fine but a bit low....oh dear
coolant fine
engine fine
black crap oozing from exhaust
nasty smoke


rang a mate for a price on a compression tester & mentioned it had been on axle stands for a week.....

apparently thinner modern oils can creep down bores when car isnt level (has had front propped up all week and was recovered home) & can cause this. drove round the block & it was fine..........! panic over......weird!

happy its fine but gonna buy a compression tester & check the cylinders anyway & im gonna drive down to my engine builder this week & drop off my spare head & frp cams for some gas flowing ready for when the head will need to come off.....!
i was having kittens!!!!!!!!! followed by crocodiles & then afterwards fluffy pandas........

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