Any thoughts on this?


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Sounds good :D

Let us know where you go with it!

Maybe you will need to go s/s with the exhaust :cool:
Just paid a deposit this morning - I'm now getting #013 :D
Good one Neil. When you getting it? The weekend? Have you charged your camera up? lol
Sat 19th. I'd love it for this weekend, but I don't think it'd be ready in time, plus it gives me a bit more time to try and sell my 1.7.

I've got some fresh batteries for the camera already!
I'll give it a bump on zsoc ;) lol

Done: Your pictures are not showing over there though..
Ah, will have a look at that.

I'll bump it on PassionFord as well, and the graveyard forum that is the Ford owners club.
Yeah, if I don't sell it, it will be part exchanged. It'd be nice to sell it though, my part ex offer wasn't great.
:d indeed, awesome!

be sure to start a thread if you start doing things to it to tidy it up etc with beofre and after shots!