My Puma 1.7, more than a year on (A works in progress)


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Hi Mark
I got it as high in the air as I could then stripped everything off underneath including the axle then bare metalled any rusty areas and cleaned any sound areas. Any rust left was cut out and new metal welded in. I used a combination of tools to clean it up including an angle grinder, various types of wire brushes in a drill and then a Dremmel with various ends to do the fine bits. You could strip and bare metal where I did in a week I suppose as long as it didn't need any welding but I probably did mine in 6 months to a year.
Over the weekend I went to the classic car show at the NEC and I bought a new car!


It's a bit smaller than the last one but still to scale :)


And at last I got my classic Ford sticker put up in the rear window... cheers Robyorks!


My son Andrew bought me another Puma themed T-shirt at Xmas. so that's 2 in the collection now.
The only thing I've been doing on the Puma lately is maintenance as the poor thing has to live in the drive now so I've got a checklist of things that I do on a two-weekly cycle.
First off is charge the battery fully (it's not been bad for batteries temp wise this year but I think that may be changing).


Then start the car and wait till it gets to running temp.


Then drive it up and down my drive as fast as I can to de-rust the discs and to make sure the brakes don't sieze up.


Disc before cleaning up.


Disc after cleaning up

Operate the handbrake about 10 times to make sure the cable and mechanism's free. (It's left off and the car in gear now).
Turn on the A/C and run for about 30 mins.
Operate all the electrics a few times. Wipers, washers, windows, headlamp levellers, leccy windows, leccy mirrors, fan, HCV, central locking.
The final thing I do is WD40 all the locks and the leccy window sliders and operate all the locks with the keys, rather than the remote.
If I've left anything off please feel free to add to this list
Tyre pressures, inc spare. Check all lights, inc. hazards. Visual check for oil/coolant/fuel leaks. Lightly spray seats and steering wheel with antibacterial surface cleaner (prevents mould growth in damp, unventilated conditions) :grin:
Hi Sinisa
It's legally off the road now but I won't be driving it at this time of year any more as I want it to last. I think my Local Council must be trying to get rid of stockpiles of road salt at the moment because out of the last 5 nights 3 nights had the road liberally covered. A proper car killer!

Hi Frank
I've had the lights on to check the levellers but never thought of the indicators and I suppose everything with a relay should be worked as well, nice one.
As far as the interior goes so far I'm really lucky with mine as it's bone dry even with the massive rainfall we've had for the last month.
I've not checked the tyre pressures as they look ok but I should release the spare wheel as it's a Focus ST170 spare alloy and it only fits in the carrier with no air in it and could end up distorted, so nice one again.
My heart goes out to you Sinisa, after all that work underneath mine I couldn't face doing it again. I hope yours is bearing up well to all that salt over in Croatia.
That is why I put those stickers on my sills, Barry. It is mainly chipstones from the roadsalt that gets mixed with some gravel and that kills the paint.
Needless to say, the complete underbody is sealed with that black stuff...
But yes, if I had another car to be used as a daily, puma would hibernate over winter like your is doing atm:wink:
Hi Barry,

Just seen your post in the other thread about 'your puma'. Did you get the ABS to work with the rear disc setup from the ST170?

I've just been able to get mine working, will post in my thread also. What trouble were you having?

Hi Ben
Yes I have the ST170 (280mm discs) on the back and the ABS is working. When I bought the car the ABS was fine and then I fitted the rear discs and did all the Sensor work on the rears I naturally thought that the ABS light wouldn't go out because I'd done something wrong at the rear. As it turned out in the two years I was working on the car (without driving it) one of the front sensors had failed (probably by being squashed by corrosion in the knuckle). If Sinisa hadn't told me/shown me about Forscan and James not given me the laptop to use it I'd still probably be effing about with the rears :)
Oh that's good. Did you have to put Puma tone rings on the focus stub axles? I had mine machined to take 2 new puma tone rings.
On my passenger side window I had the common problem of the top window rubber folding under itself when the window was wound up so I tried lightly greasing the inner lip of the seal with rubber grease and it worked.... no fold.

Tried it two weeks later and it folded up in one place rather than the 4 or 5 places it usually did it in so I might try silicone grease next time.

I also need to get the rear window seal on the drivers side smartened up as it looks really patchy. I've used a couple of different products but they haven't worked, anyone any ideas?

Hi Ben
Yes I had to have the Hubs machined to take the Puma rings as the Focus ones are the wrong way around ie Puma has magnetic sensors and plain rings whilst the Focus has plain sensors and magnetic rings.
tuonokid said:
[post]347435[/post] Hi Ben
Yes I had to have the Hubs machined to take the Puma rings as the Focus ones are the wrong way around ie Puma has magnetic sensors and plain rings whilst the Focus has plain sensors and magnetic rings.

Yes, I remember this now - I can't remember some of the things I've done and why! I did this lot almost 5 years ago! Good that it works anyhow.

As for the window rubbers, have you tried methylated spirits to clean and then a form or tyre shine or back to black? (You probably have) I've got some green gel stuff that I think would work but I have no idea what it's called unfortunately, I'll see if I can find out.
Failing that Barry, I have another idea - when I used to be on the Ka forum, people were forever trying to keep the black bumpers looking shiny and new. Lots of them were using tesco smooth peanut butter! They used to do a value one and was cheaper than any other product, and it works. Must be the oil in it I'm guessing, maybe worth a try?

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