back to a Puma - possibly....


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Mar 3, 2009
Ox'shire (North)
Not a newb introduction as such..... I haven't had a Puma for 4 years but maybe switching back to one.

Have had a variety of 2.2 Astra Coupes and MG ZS (V6) in the meantime but my need for a stop gap car that is fast, agile and (sad to say) expendable means I may well pick up a Puma in the next day or so to replace my financially non-viable ZS.

the ZS is dead, long live the Puma...
Welcome back your sins are forgiven :-D

Nudge hint" onclick=";return false;
quest63 said:
Nudge hint" onclick=";return false;

Whilst I appreciate the nudge/hint.... it as a silver 1.7 I had previously and I wont be having another silver. No real fault of silver cars... just the way it is.

I have a black one in mind.
Welcome back! No introduction needed really since you used to be quite active :grin:
Glad to be remembered....

On way to view the possible re-entry to Puma driving now - it's still not guaranteed, two other cars to have a nose at at the same time.
Alas, it was not to be... I work in and from my car so I cant hang around replacing the ZS.
The Puma in question was nice, one bad arch and a missing parcel shelf - but the brakes had totally seized while it sat on the forecourt. Between a delay to test drive it and then delay getting parcel shelf replaced (I need it for what I do) I could have lost some work in between - needed a car today and this other hairdresser's car fit the bill, nearly! It will do me for now... But it means no Puma likely ever again, unless I play with FRP as a second car in few years...

I'd watch out for those they have a nasty habit of throwing the roll over hoops through the rear window
Hello stranger! Even though you didn't pick up another puma, you're still more than welcome to stick around. :eek:k:
Cant help but think of..." onclick=";return false;

Will try and stick around/check in a bit more - I did mean to but life and circumstances got in the way...

I was sad the Puma didn't work out... This was always my number two choice. Shit happens! :-(

Have to say though the Pug isn't a slouch and handlea pretty well. Its grown on me a bit - is no Puma though..

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