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New member
Apr 22, 2011

when i go over small potholes or even just bumpy roads i get a knock/bang quite frequently almost as though ive got a flat tyre. I kicked the tyre on the rear left and it seems to have abit of play in it, now i know its not the bearings as ive just done the rears.

Im guessing its either... rear arm bushes, or something else to do with suspension? Is this a symptom of worn top mounts?

help much appreciated
its very loud when i go over a pothole or a bump in road, it is almost identical to how a flat tyre would be going over a bump and its just the back left hand corner

top mounts wouldn't do that...they just compress over time..

i'm thinking...

lower front wishbone arm knackered or loose (could be the large bush on the back of the arm or ball joint gone)..
anti-roll bar 'd' bush knackered or missing / anti-roll bar drop link broken (unlikely if it's a ford item)

hope that helps

Top mount could get play.

If it's coming from the rear check the dampers, if that has leaked it'll travel more and top out.

Could be loads of stuff, needs jacking up and swinging off.
Hi thanks for responses,

Its defo from back near side, there is abit of play in wheel but NOT bearings as ive replaced them. It surely must be top mount?