Bearings help, Please


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New member
Sep 10, 2012
Hi people me again Im looking for a guide no doing the front bearings.
I looked on youtube and all looks real easy but there on other cars and in the states.

The reason I ask for help is everyone I spoke to said there a real B***H to do so not sure at the moment if i want to risk it.

If anyone can advise me then that would be great

Cheers guys and gals
I have not done this job myself but you have to have the bearings pressed in with an hydraulic press after removing the hub from the car
I have when I changed my suspension.
If you have a reasonable quality tool kit the removal of the hubs and their initial splitting is fairly simple.
The real trouble I had was getting the old bearing outer ring out and the new bearings in, most pullers are just not up to the job.
I got my local garage to press mine out then reassemble the hubs with the new bearings, they charged me £20 each.
Then I put them back on the car.
Perhaps used hubs could be an option for you dependant on price / compared to whatever price you get for pressing new ones in but of course would be an unknown quantity
Might be worth sending pms to some of the breakers for prices.
Not really a job to do with no money though, new nuts and some bolts are the order of the day when you take the hubs off.