Bluefin... any good?


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New member
Jan 18, 2014
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Hi everyone.
Has anyone used one of these Superchip Bluefin remap things?" onclick=";return false;

Do they work?
Any problems/downsides?
Does it work on a DIVE?

and probably some more things ive not thought to ask...
They work so long as you have the right map for the right ecu,do a search on it and you will find a thread where somebody was warned to check it was the right map for ecu.he didnt bother,loaded map and killed the ecu,and then started moaning about it,check,double check,triple check and if still not sure call there customer services.
My car had a pile of "boy racer" mods done when I bought it.
(most of which i have sold/binned)

But the buyer assured me it had a "superchip" which was better than having a rocket on the roof (allegedly)
My car is quick. But with so many random "tuning mods" I dont know what works and what doesnt.

I know you need the right bluefin unit to suit your car
(what would possess you to "see if it works" with something which states it doesnt!!)