Car insurance news


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Oct 19, 2010
North Lincs" onclick=";return false;
Urgent! Poss. 50%+ women's car insurance hikes
New 'men and women pay same' rule could change insurance for everyone

The European Court will rule on 1 March whether insurers break discrimination laws by pricing men and women differently. If, as many expect, it decides both must pay the same, we may see immediate, huge price changes on new policies.

Don't always expect prices to meet in the middle. Costs for the currently cheaper gender could rise by more than the other drops by (see MSE news).

Car insurance warning to women

Women, especially if younger currently pay less than men, as they typically have fewer accidents. 17-30 year-old men pay an avg £2,050; women nearly £800 less (usually evens out at 40+).

So younger women could face massive hikes in March, while younger men may see prices drop slightly.

Act quickly. If your price may rise and you're due to renew, do it ASAP to beat the deadline (nowt's lost if nothing changes).

Not at renewal? Urgently check if you can get suitable, cheaper, insurance by switching anyway as prices are already up 41%. If you can save, ask if you'd get a pro-rata refund for cancelling your existing policy (some charge a fee, so factor that in) you could get a new cheaper policy starting now, then be on the lower price for longer if the Court does rule.
By that token, life insurance premiums for men and women will have to be the same as well which will never happen. The insurance industry relies on the probability of risk and men and women are by no means equal in that respects according to the figures.
Unfortunalty Dal is right :(

While ladies insurance will raise from a motoring perspective. from life/health insurance they will remain higher then a mans.

While ist not fair to ladies, its equaly not fair to men as for many years there insurance has been alot higher.
Er, I suspect that the first thing most insurers will use as a proxy rating factor is title.

Really, it's not hard. The biggest impact will be on advertising claims for brands like Diamond and Ladybird.
Women dont have as many accidents because they cause the fucking things! :evil:
mmm....if this was to happen somehow I knew that them reducing mens costs by the same percentage as they may increase womens wouldn't happen. Just another way to get more cash out of drivers overall.

I blame the new industry that was created by f'in solicitors and the like i.e. injury claims. We all know that a high percentage of them claims are false or hugely exaggerated for financial gain. Funny how in my own experience of false injury claims, more injuries suddenly come to light once someone has been told they may get a few quid out of it. The biggest problem being that some insurance companies just have the attitude of 'we'll just settle it as it's not worth the hassle or cost fighting it'.....until of course someone makes it blatantly obvious that they lied through their arses as was the case with my last accident as I told the dumb insurance company from the start once I found out they were claiming for injury. After my motorbike slid under a car at about 20mph, no one was injured at the scene except me, hell the bloke in the car picked up my bike and put it on the pavement, then a few weeks later they claimed for him, his wife (who was the driver) and 2 kids with injuries ranging from whiplash, neck strain, brusied collar bones and severe back do you get them sort of injuries from a motorbike sliding slowly into the rear underside of your bloody car....idiots!!

The result????.....they got 'F' all!!!

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