Condensation in front light


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New member
Aug 13, 2010
How do I get rid of it? It's really annoying me. Someone hit the front of my car a week or so ago, not a bad hit just a reverse into it when trying to park Job. I wasn't in the car so not much I can do but it left a dent and I'm wondering whether this could have something to do with the light steaming up all of a sudden as the passenger side one is perfect but all of a sudden the drivers side one has just totally steamed up. I've also checked the little pipes and they are fine.
I imagine it has everything to do with it.

Really boils my piss when people do this. :crazy:
First time a changed my bulbs I snapped one of the long clips off one half of the 'pods' and even though I used heavy tape to seal it together it always misted up since, the seal has been compromised and is no longer air-tight, you could go completely the other way though and drilling 'small' holes in the plastic cover plate to get the same same pressure of air from the outside and so in theory shouldn't mist up.
get a thin piece of metal cut it to approximate length and then bend it at both ends so as it pulls both bits together,old stereo cage or similar,as that is what i had to do on msb as a clip was broken when i brought the car