driver's door wont open!


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New member
Aug 4, 2008
Sparrow Green, Norfolk (it's a place!)
hey, peeps, here's trouble....

flissy has been gamely chewing up the miles re my move (still ongoing but imminent at last!) and has her mot on monday. only probs abs/tc sensor and exhaust shield, it seemed....

but, i've just gone out to pack her up for the weekend and i cant open the driver's door! the locks whirr and the passenger side is ok but, nothing from the driver's side! bit of a prob as i need to put stuff on the front seat!! anyone any ideas??? god, i hope it's not a big prob...

any suggestions gratefully received

t xx
for now u can use the key to unlock it, something must have gone wrong with he central locking
yeah, have you tried opening it with a key or getting in the passenger side and opening it from inside. I know sometimes if my son tries to open the door just as I press the remote it doesn't open but if I lock it then open it again it's ok. Sounds like yours is a bigger gremlin so hope you find the solution.
In that case it sounds deadlocked I believe and you somehow need to reinstate power to it which could be difficult if the problem has anything to do with the actual lock motor/mechanism itself. I'll admit I don't know if there's a quick way to open a car that is deadlocked except by reinstating power to it (assuming that's what's wrong). :?

Doesn't seem to be much help coming your way so I'll give you a few rough ideas - and some ARE rough!!!.

If it was me - and I have no idea whether these things could be done but I'd try anyway as I can't see an easy solution - I'd be checking the power supply to the lock in several ways:-

1) Check fuses - easy enough
2) Take off doorcard and see if it's physically possible to get at the wiring - someone on here who has recently taken off their doorcards could probably give you an idea if this is possible without the door being open as I know a few have recently had theirs off for window related problems. The window itself could be an obstacle to getting to anything so it could be a red herring. If it is possible then I would grab a multi meter and check for continuity through any of the wires I could see to/from the lock to see if they were ok and not broken. A wiring diagram would help so you knew where the wires came from to trace back further into the car but not sure how easily this is available. I'm thinking there maybe a possibility that the wires may eventually end up at the ECU because of the immobiliser, but I'm also thinking they may not as it's only the locking mechanism and the engine that's immobilised thus the need for the wiring diagram to check as you may be trying to test across relays which I'm guessing would give you a false reading unless they were open - these may be broken themselves (if applicable) causing the actual problem. (again, this is only guess work)
3) as per 2, see if you can get to the actual locking mechanism from inside to check/gain access to the connections, as you could try putting a new power supply to it to see if could then be fired into life by said new supply or with the remote - I don't think it would be as simple as that but it 'might' work as your just bypassing any faulty wiring by going direct with a new supply. This has worked several times for me in the past to varying degrees on all types of equipment.
4) If that failed to open the lock and you knew the power supply was ok then I'd see if you could get at the mechanism itself - me being me, would then strip it and try to actual overide the deadlock mechanically - even if this meant destroying the mechanism/casing etc to make it happen.

I'm hoping someone can give you better advice as some of the above is basic butchery :shock:

IIRC the lad over the road was having the same problem with his only a few weeks ago and I would have told him the same but but he took another route as I heard him hammering the crap out of the lock one night when he was going to work. Transpired that his central locking had also gone but he took adopted the idea of going at it from the outside by trying to destroy the lock with hammers and screwdrivers. It didn't work so he ended up using said hammer and screwdrver, his fist, his boots and anything else he could get his hands on, on the door, wings and other panels as he got pi$$ed off - that car is now scrapped he damaged it so much but lets hope you can get into yours with the help of some more knowledgable Puma members as I'm sure there's a way round it. Hopefully a lot simpler than my ideas which is very probable.

Let us know how you get on or if someone knew/came up with a far simpler fix as it would be good to know for future reference ;)
I view of all of the above.... even if you have to mangle the door-card to get into the workings it will be cheaper/easier to replace a door card than some of the more drastic options.