Fed up.


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New member
May 9, 2009
West Lancs...Ooop 'north Cumbria
:-( A old gimmer reversed into Pips as we sat at traffic lights in Ormskirk today. Damage done to bumper, brakes (as I had hand break on it 'froze' the brakes on) tracking and radiator. Also cracked number plate and paintwork damage. Oh aye the horn went off for ages too.

Very angry and fed up! So best stay home cos il moan all evening...(Warrington meet tonight)

Also he didnt want to go through insurance company! They have to do a re test after a certain age dont they?

Making a list....grrr..... :(
Argh how annoying. Go through the insurance, it isn't worth the risk! Hope all is fixed realtively easily. Don't forget to draw a diagram of the accident, might even br worth taking photos of the scene too so you can prove it's his fault (although it sounds pretty obvious so poss not necessary).

Poor Pips :( and poor you :(

Thanks Vix. Im really upset, that and the guy was actually quite sweet about it - admitted fault - but it really was very careless driving...and the fact he will probably have to take a Re-Test cos he is elderly and his insuranc will go up really high too!

:-( dont know what to do...taking my car to be checked over in morning and ordering new number plates...might just get it quoted and see for body damage and new rad/brakes and alignment and see...
At the end of the day it was his fault and that is what insurance is for. Maybe he will fail for being such a rubbish driver! I know everyone makes mistakes but it was his mistake not yours so try not to worry about the outcome from his point of view. God, I sound so uncaring but I just think you are the innocent party!
Why shouldn't it be? If Tina finds out what is needed and gets some quotes there should be no problem. Insurance companies are only interested in writing cars as old as Pumas off. No need to risk it if the guy is willing to pay for the damage to be done - unless she wants to teach him a lesson by putting up his insurance...... and probably finding herself carless.
in my experience people who do not go through an insurance claim often end up accepting repairs that are just about acceptable rather than done properly
Ok update as follows:- Friday got Pips checked out at garage. The radiator is ok (suprisingly). Splitter cracked so need new splitter and number plates also cracked. The scuffs and scrapes on the bumper, where he pushed up my car, are quite deep but going to get a quote on that Monday as they might polish out as had SupaGard on it.
Brakes were all fine but the wheels needed alignment.
Horn is now fixed as it kept going off (Pips obviously shouty about the knock and who would blame him)!

The guy keeps asking me not to go through the insurance. We all pay it but his panic tells me he might have had a bump before - and seriously should consider giving driving up. He even went so far as to say "well its a old car and you dont really notice those scratches" and "just go to Halfords for the number plates and ill reimburse you for those".

I am not happy, he needs to be told. He will need pay me upfront so im not out of pocket not reimburse me and ill get my quote done and he will pay upfront for that too.
Its the principal of the fact he reversed into me and therefore should pay the penalty for it. Seriously, at this stage going through the insurance seems tempting even though the knock was only slight!!!
Yes, I would have gone through insurance I think, although when a freshly-passed young man drove into me on the M25 I let him pay me direct as a) I could see he was scared sh1tless and b) he was obviously paying a huge amount in insurance anyway and thought he could do with the benefit of the doubt! It did turn out OK and he paid me in cash very quickly once I'd got a quote.
If he actually realises he has to pay up and does so, then dont go through insurance as even in a non-fault accident YOUR insurance will go up next year. If he refuses then go through insurance.
After a thnk I have decided not to go through insurance. My premium is high enough without anything else :-( So he will be paying me in advance of any work being done. If not then I will be very out of pocket :-(

Thanks guys, feel better for airing my problem now x
After no contact from the guy and bearing in mind his last quip about "reimbursing" me I had a odd phone call today - from Gemini Vehicle Solutions on behalf of Fortis (very expensive insurance co usually ok if you have a problem ie, bans etc...)

I mentioned the incident to my insurance company - partly if anything does go wrong linked to said incident in the next few months - this I told the old gimmer, was to cover my back...anyhoo... Must have struck a nerve.
It turns out he too told his insurers who are going to pay out for the damage and repair! Woohoo...tie the scratches he made in with the wheel arch quote - and a couple new number plates ill be sorted!

So luck at last - I pay insurance, we all do - its what its there for! Im glad now, at least he is taught a lesson.

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