Ford Fair 2011 Chat Thread


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there is usually a food area half way between the roundabout and the bridge leading to the main areas.

just to add injury to insult, my handbrake cable snapped today moving the car :roll: should be fixable though.
Guys are we asking Spike if we can borrow his shelter then?

Could do with sorting this asap I think?

Chin up warren, its only a cable(and I have a old TAPE ecu in the puma when can chock you wheels with :-D )
Dal said:
As you come over the bridge to gain entry to the site you come to a roundabout. Directly over that roundabout is where we'll be (somewhere) We were in area 16 last year. Out of the way really :(

(For reference for the old time attendee's, it's on the other side of the road to where the Pumapeople one was in 2007 - the other side to the return road from where the 0-60 used to run.)

Bloody hell that is out the way, I (kinda) felt sorry for PP when they were over there 2years ago!!

Sure everyone will still have a great day though! :) :eek:k:
They'd better turn up before Friday, otherwise they'll end up stuck in the camp's mail room :?
Not the ever reliable mail room that can't deliver a fart let alone mail. Go down there Neil and pull rank!
We got our club tickets delivered on Thursday last week, to our stand organiser.

I reckon you need to hurry up the RAF post!