How to stop spiders...


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New member
May 9, 2009
West Lancs...Ooop 'north Cumbria
Really fed up, plague of HUGE spiders tonight.

Both Steve and I hate them. We have caught 9 in one night (hoovered up). My nerves are in tatters, paranoid to put on cardi/coat/slippers etc!
Is there a UK spider infestation?
Does anyone have a clue on how to stop them from coming in? I kid you not, these are hand size clog wearing bruts! :shock:

I dont want to hear "oh they are cleaners of flies" "they wont hurt you" etc etc...

Any ideas on how to stop them or spray them or kill them, please post! As hoovering at 22:00 is not fun!
Must be a plague of them as I've killed 3 this week myself...all wearing Dr Martin boots!!!

I heard that if you place a magnet in the corner of the room it's supposed to keep them away but not sure if that's an old wives tale or what as I haven't tried it yet. The only magnets I have will probably pull everything metal towards

I kill them by either (in order spider death - most recent first):-
1) Oven Cleaner Foam - This is a little messy but dissolves anyway, and as such it disables the little blighters instantly in my experience but renders a slow painfull death. This is my favourite attack weapon...currently sat on my
2) Stamping on them if they aren't too quick - last one I killed was the quickest moving thing I've seen for a while, I'm sure this one replaced his DM's for running spikes!!!
3) Boiled water - As you can imagine...instant death, but also a little ;)
there are a lot of "big" spiders about at the moment, been a good summer for them to grow extra big!

The rest of my views you don't wanna hear!
My advice is to get counselling so they don't bother you any more! They are indoor spiders those huge ones so they will always be 'in' rather than 'out'. Apparently is it because it is getting colder that they are all coming in now. The only way to stop them is for there to be NO cracks in the house to completely exclude them, and in an old house that is pretty much impossible. Sorry :(

Spiders are great as they catch flies!

To those of you who hate spiders please consider the spiders! They do have a nervous system and it isn't pleasant being killed by chemicals or other slow methods. At least stamp on them so it is instant! What have they ever done to you?!
I blame Miss Muffet, for conditioning people from an early age, to be scared of harmless spiders :)
you can get an electronic 'click' device that plugs into the wall that repells them.... my mum and dad have used them and found they work...

oven cleaner sounds a tad harsh.. :eek:" onclick=";return false;

use a glass and paper to get rid... personally I don't have a problem with spiders, the climate changes and the bugs get bigger lol :lol:
I do the same, glass & a bit of paper, then take it outside, wouldn't kill one.

Oh if you hoover them up, they can come back out!
crystalpuma said:
To those of you who hate spiders please consider the spiders! They do have a nervous system and it isn't pleasant being killed by chemicals or other slow methods. At least stamp on them so it is instant! What have they ever done to you?!

Yeah, I have a nervous system too...they get on my nerves and for that they
Any spray with lemon in it,they hate it, especially neat lemon. Across doors, windowsills and cracks in door frames. Just stops them coming in.
i now use a electric bug racket one zap and it all over, i used to chuck them in the sink spray them with lyns make a trail up the side and light it, they scream well, but im more humane these days :grin:
Lemon, right. On to that tomorrow. Trying citronella atm.
Yes my old gaff is 300years and full of nooks crannys & cracks. But this is mad, another 5 tonight..huge scuttleboot spiders.
I just dont like them, wish they would stay outside!

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