I have just bought the ugliest car in the known universe


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Active member
Oct 24, 2007
Well, I am afraid the daily driver / recycling run transport died ignominiously last week. It was a 2000 is VW Caddy in white and rust, then one morning it snapped its timing belt on the driveway and munched up the sturdy 1.9 litre diesel powerhouse.

Now this promoted the V8R to daily driver (no tip runs for the posh Jaguar) and at 22 mpg or thereabouts my wallet was taking a battering. So replacing the Caddy was a necessity.

Having bought the original DD, which was the Skoda Pickup, for £600, I had splashed out on the Caddy some 11 years later the prodigious sum of £640. Regrettably it had only survived three and a half years, but I was cheered by the scrappy giving me £337 for the corpse and shifting it off my driveway. Something odd has gone on in the lower end of the motoring gene pool and any halfway decent van (this bar is set very low) is around £1,500 to £2,000. In fact I briefly considered X-Type Jaguar estates which are going for the same money and have tons of room, but generally are a lot nicer than a sh*gg*d out Transit Connect or whatever the dwarf tranny calls itself these days.

In the end, driven by the £35/pa VED (Already a saving of three hundred quid a year compared to the van) and the close-to 60mpg thirst for diesel I bought this


Well it does have a pretty huge load area for the tip runs, just 111,000 miles and a haggled price of £2,100.

Be nice

It'll do the job...

Looks like it has some reasonable spec with it's alloys and front fog lights, and certainly at least in my opinion not as ugly as a few others in that category.
Still, 22mpg from the v8 jag is pretty respectable. My mk2 focus st with the volvo 5 cylinder engine is currently averaging 18-20mpg, although I'm sure this will drop as ive just ordered some 550cc injectors and a bigger turbo. I tend to daily both the st an the puma, usually a week in the st then a week in the puma.
No sir…
While that isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing, orgasm inducing engineering marvel, I feel confident that civilisation will agree that the Ford Scorpio (End of the Granada series) is the most butt pig ever!
As for the cam belt lunching the motor, I get a lot of ‘asks’ to repair engines that died this way.
Problem is that it’s an indicator of possible missed maintenance so bad oil and worn parts often follow but if it’s just the bent up valves thing it’s usually a chance to get in there and come out smelling of roses - sort of…
Pull head - strip, clean, repair and gas flow, refit and Bobs your uncle.
Now, I can’t reasonably argue against that.
Jesus, who the hell has a job after designing some of these horrors
As for the cam belt lunching the motor, I get a lot of ‘asks’ to repair engines that died this way.
'Pablo' will be getting a replacement cam belt very shortly. A worthwhile bit of insurance at 111,000 miles

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