Newbie saying Hello and that I am not impressed!


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New member
Aug 19, 2011

I got my first Puma is December having written off the love of my life...Madza Eunos Roadster hitting back ice!

I have to say that I did test drive one when they were first new to the market but couldn't afford on at that time. So when I found this 2nd hand number I thought ...she looks ok and drives well, so bought it.

So recently the heater blew hot even when it was on cold.
There was coolant leak and I was advised to replace the water pump as it was also leaking! along with another leak from camshaft cover seal.

Got that all sorted at a coats of £700 and yesterday on journey home form work, the PAS packed up and I could steer my car.

Been advised to have pipe replaced to the oil cooler, (apparently Ford don't just do the bit that needs replacing) I have to buy the whole thing? I'm female and have no idea what they are talking about! The cost will be around £200 for work, parts and VAT.

I am regretting my purchase. Someone please tell me that I am just having a little bad luck and this is a phase??

Lanniec in Hampshire!
Hi - welcome!

The heater hot/cold issue is a notorious Puma foible - pretty much everyone will have that at some point; the part responsible is called the Heater Control Valve (or HCV) and is prone to failure.

Cam rocker cover gasket is another classic Puma fault - I just had mine replaced recently as it was a bit leaky. Seeing as you've had your HCV, cam rocker cover gasket and water pump replaced - I'm assuming that for your £700 they did the cambelt/tensioner and aux belt while they were in there?

As you're in the south, if you can be bothered to hoof over to Southampton, see Richard at Tremona Garage - loads of people on here take their Pumas to him (myself included) - he'll tell you what needs doing, by when, in what order, and with no pressure.

He has a folder full of paperwork dedicated to all the Pumas he works on!
Stick with it though - it sounds like you've got all the usuals out of the way! :thumbs:
Sorry you got lumped with a big bill after your purchase and hope the garage didn't rip you off.

As above, the HCV and rocker cover gasket are a common problem for the Puma so your not alone but also as above I'm hoping they did the cambelt/tensioner/aux belt for that much!!!

Even so, you have to take into account the age of the vehicle and some things aren't designed to last forever or even more than a few years, that's why you only get a 1 year warranty when you buy them brand new. Thankfully warranties on most new cars are a lot longer now.

Stick with it as buying second hand is always frought with possible problems with any car. You could get rid, buy another car and be stuck with a whole new set of problems. It's your choice at the end of the day :eek:k:

Oh, welcome :thumbs:
They only came with a one year warranty?? :shock: I had a 99 escort and that came with 3 years and unbelivably 6 years anti corrosion, which they weedled out of when the rear arches started to rust after 5 years. apparently you have to have a hole through the metal! lol
Some companies have a paint and corrosion warranty and some also offer an anti-perforation warranty. BUT this only covers defects that are caused in the manufacturing process and/or have come about from the inside of the panels not from stone chips/scratches or the like on the outside. These are to be fixed I believe when you get a yearly corrosion check which you MUST have for the warranty to stay in force which many don't even know or bother about as it's more money to cough up.

If you don't do either then they weedle their way out of it by saying it's a problem caused by you and not their manufacturing process etc. That's what I believe but could be wrong. It's basically a gimmick/money making scheme from what I can see.
Thank you for all of your useful comments and I will stick with it. I'm sure the car needs a little bit more TLC and then she'll be sorted. Great advice from Evilrob? about the garage in Southampton , so thanks again for that. I will keep popping in here and kepp in touch.


Tremona get pretty much universal praise:

You can't go wrong with Tremona. Their attention to detail is superb.
Many people travel miles to get Richard to service their Puma.

They are superb, if you are within a reasonable distance of Southampton give them a try.
No one else touches my Milly

There are several members on here who wouldn't take their kat anywhere else.

My review:

PS - I'm not really evil - just 'Rob' will be fine - I'm writing this from my two-bed terrace in West Sussex, not an underwater lair or volcano hideout!
BTW - when you had your HCV/cam rocker gasket/water pump sorted - did they do the cambelt/aux belt? They really should have done for what they charged you!! :shock:

When the cambelt/tensioner was last changed is probably the most important thing to know about your Puma. It needs to be done within 5 years or 80,000 miles because if it fails, your Puma is toast.

Also, remember to check your oil level regularly and book it in for a full oil change every 6,000 miles or so - Pumas get very unhappy without the correct amount of oil. 5w30 semi synthetic is the standard issue Ford-recommended stuff. Tremona put Shell Helix HX7 in mine, which is fully synthetic - however, if it's good enough for Richard, it's good enough for me!
Hello and welcome. Hopefully your problems will soon be behind you and you can get on with what Puma's were made for ........ having fun :D
I think your biggest problem is your mechanic! 700 to replace a hcv, rocker gasket and water pump Jesus wept

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