Sad news regarding our beloved Tyge


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Staff member
Oct 3, 2007

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that Tyge passed away last week.

The park contacted me yesterday to let me know and said that it's been a very sad time with lots of tears.

It was a tragic accident, they use horse tails for enrichment with all the cats, the Tigers just play with theirs but Tyge was eating his (which is fine since it's a natural food source) however 6 foot worth of horse hair had built up in his intestines and compacted them.

The pathologist and vet said there was nothing that could have been done as the extent of the compaction involved too much of the gut.

They have now banned horse tails for enrichment.

They sent over the picture above for us in his memory.

BenF said:
we aren't doing very well - that's 2 we've lost

Wondering that even if we find another Puma to sponsor.. if we should, going by our track record.

of course we should - the 2 we've had so far were effectively rescue cats whose lives were improved by going to Shepreth where they were looked after by people who cared about them

it is sad that Tyge is gone, but for the amount we donate each the collective good done is worth it

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