Shiny New MOT


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New member
Jun 13, 2014
I have just returned from the garage with an MOT without any advisories. In many years of driving, someone has always found fit to point out "brake pipe missing; steering gear falling off; fuel pissing out" "speck of dirt on number plate; small stone in tyre tread; Radio tuned to Radio 1, etc."

Anyway, I'm in a good mood but the thing is that the Puma has 125,000 on it and uses about 1 litre of oil/1,000 miles (although I don't do more than 5,000 a year in it). I have been considering an engine transplant (may as well throw in the gearbox too if it's not complicated) for something with far fewer miles.

In terms of Puma economics, it may be cheaper simply to buy another Puma with fewer miles, but, like most of us here, that would be like trading in a perfectly good wife/husband/dog just because it's getting a bit long in the tooth, so... as I don't have the facilities to do it myself - what sort of price (or hours labour) would that be?
No advisories is great :grin:

As for the transplant, there's a few people on here that could probably advise you (Ian G or Steavie) as to the amount of time required etc. and maybe even with any parts you might need.

I' m doing a 1.4 to 1.7 conversion these days, I would say that if you work mainly on yourself you would need give or take 24 working hours.
Till I finish the conversion I think that I will have put down approximately 30 hours. But you don't have to remove completely the engine loom (as it as a 1.7 to 1.7 swap) and also it has taken me some time to renew things like the CV boots etc.

If you want a brief description of the process have a look on the topic "1.4 to 1.7 conversion" in "Under the bonnet" section.
PaulQ said:
In terms of Puma economics, it may be cheaper simply to buy another Puma with fewer miles...
...or just get your oil leak fixed or even just pay out £20 a year in oil?

Mine's done 69.000, but if it had done 125,000, ran OK and passed its MOT with no advisories, then I'd just leave well alone and carry on.
Cool. I've just spent up to 12 hours so far welding my Puma up cause the floor pans we rotton.