The calm before the storm


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New member
Aug 22, 2012
We it is the day before my maiden MOT test for my beloved little puma (under my ownership anyway). I have fitted a new front number plate this morning that was an advisory last year and fingers crossed she will pass with flying colours as the previous owner spent £750 last year to get a pass. I have also sorted the faulty high light and done all the visuals checks.

I am hoping I will get a pleasant nights sleep lol.

Wish me luck!
Likewise mate. :eek:k:

I don't ever remember feeling like this before about another car. She really has got me smitten.
Yay she passed with only 3 advisories consisting of general underbody corrosion, rear number plate deterioration and exhaust system corrosion so am happy that.
Cheers guys.

Yes the rear number plate I have already, but am buying a replacement bumper and tailgate in MSB to smarten the rear up.

Now I have some time with her on my hands will start a thread, so I can log the work done on her.

Loving this forum and the car, why did I not purchase one sooner?
Ps good luck on Thursday GingerTom will be thinking of you and the little blue one.