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I have just read "Around the World in Eighty Days" and have started "Five Weeks in a Balloon". Both OK.

Also reading The Victorians by A. N. Wilson, which is, yep you guessed it, awesome!
50 Shades of Grey. I keep hearing about it, got no idea what it's about - sounds like my work shirts after the Mrs washed them.
My girlfriend is reading the second book now.

It's been described (not inaccurately) as 'Mum's Porn'.

This thread on Pistonheads is also quite amusing

http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=210&t=1165486&mid=216732&i=0&nmt=50+Shades+Of+Grey+%2D+Who%27s+Bought+Their+Partner+This%3F&mid=216732" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Funny, I read Long Way Round on my last det as well. The book is actually better than the TV series (although both are fantastic).
Neil said:
Funny, I read Long Way Round on my last det as well. The book is actually better than the TV series (although both are fantastic).

Yeah, ive read it 4 times before already and i don't even really read books.... more a colouring book and pop up pictures kid of guy lol.

The book and the series leaves out so much of europe i think. Yes the focus was more on Kaz, Mong and Sib but i wish there was more. The LWR series was alot metter compared to LWD, more episodes.
I finished 'Perfect People' by Peter James last month. I'll let you read the Amazon synopsis as it explains it better than I could, but I wholly recommend it. The chapters are relatively short too, which for me is a bonus :)

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Perfect-People-ebook/dp/B005I3PA5Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1344612680&sr=8-1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Just finished 'The Broker' by John Grisham
Loved the book, got to a couple of chapters from the end and put it down because I didn't want to find out what happened to the lead character (as I was sure he was going to get killed off)
wish I had left it that way, found the ending rushed and impalpable. :-(
Three at the moment:

'Failure is not an option' by Gene Kranz. Finally managed to find a copy of this after watching all of 'From the Earth to the Moon', and fancied some more in depth reading.

'The Man in the rubber mask' by Robert Llwellyn. As some members on here can attest, I'm a big dwarf fan, so it was inevitable I'd end up reading this.

'The Bangernomics Bible' by James Ruppert. I love shed shopping, and this is a great guide.
Wasn't Gene Kranz the flight director for Apollo 13? Bet that's an interesting read...
He certainly was, along with some of the early Gemini missions and Apollo 11.