What's your Puma's name?


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Jun 2, 2009
I bet everyone has a wonderful name for their car. It is no secret that mine is called Blanche from Coronation Street because she is my ultimate hero. I'd love to hear what other people call their car and why :)
Hehe...I like the look of this lol

Mines called Poooooma. Original, but it kinda stuck when i tried 2 persuade the folks i wanted one!!! :yay:
Mine is called 'car' & sometimes when feeling especially formal I may include a christian name "the"..

such as "I am off into town with/in 'the car'!"
expatscot said:
Mine is called 'car' & sometimes when feeling especially formal I may include a christian name "the"..

such as "I am off into town with/in 'the car'!"

I'm loving the names. Mine is also referred to sometimes as my baby. Also Mikar, as in i'm going out in Mikar. The variety of names is fantastic :D
meh i call mine "milly" well since it is a millenium :D or the yellow beast depends on how i feel also. although i just got today i love it! :eek:k:
I cant think of a name that is going to do her justice, I just bloody love my car. I cant really name it ultramuso primevader or somethign equally awesome
Cadburys like the chocolate wrapper 'cos he's Melina blue.
Sometimes I call him the Old Boy 'cos hes an R Reg

Mines called Snarf........Ford Puma Thunder...get it? no?

Puma = Cat = Model = Thunder so........It's a Thunder Cat! And one of the Thunder Cats names? SNARF!
LOL awesome name!!! nice one Gav!!!

Mines got no name, maybe she, puma or car :)
Love the name Gav. I've got Thundercats as the theme tune on my phone! What are the others called? And Dal your car definately needs a better name than "the old banger". Show her some love! :wub:
mine has various names - the beast :twisted: or plain old Ma Puma or at the moment as I have just had a new exhaust BARP! 8)
for some strange reason mines has been nick named kitty! so i just stuck with it lol carolyn4863 i want ur ring tone i loved the thunder cats when i was younger :)