Coolant line


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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2013
When standing in front of the car looking in to the engine bay.. on the back right hand corner of the engine there is a small coolant line that goes (I believe from the head) to the expansion tank.

Does anyone know what that coolant line is for?
I can remember seeing coolant flowing through it back to the expansion tank... is it some kind of 'overflow'? Should it have a constant coolant flow through it?
Coolant only flows after the engine has warmed up , so I guess it is related to the point in time that the thermostat has opened.
A useful Tip for you :

I always remove that hose from the expansion bottle , then prefill that pipe with your coolant mix by holding vertically and using a small funnel.

I have found this helps greatly when bleeding the air out of the system as very little subsequent "Burping the Expansion Cap" to get the air out will then be required.

Ensure to do with the Expansion Cap removed to allow the air to be forced out.

This tip is not mentioned anywhere else on the web , but works :thumbs:
Thanks for the reply DOH..
My question wasn't relating to bleeding but tip are always appreciated!

My next question....
Does anyone know if there is a blank/plug on the back of the engine that gives access to the water jacket/coolant?
If you mean the side of the engine nearest the bulkhead , I don't think so. But you could remove a frost plug & then refit a new one, if you need to get in there.