Mini-Meet / hello session in the North-west


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Staff member
Oct 3, 2007
We'll be blasting down from Scotland on Sunday 10th February, and stopping along the way for an hour or so for a pit stop here:

-->St Helens Pub : Waterside<--


-->Google map<--

We'll be there from 6pm for an hour or so. We don't get up that way too often, so would be great to meet a few people from that neck of the woods whilst we're there.


1. Dal
2. Cherie
3. MikeFRP
4. Vickydink
Thanks for Mike and 'dink turning up yesterday evening :)

It's always good to meet old friends as well as new ones :eek:k:

Let us know how the mudflaps fit Mike!

(Hope you didn't miss too much 'Lost')
LoL you said you were a bit 'mad mike' so I had visions of you talking about extra cool in car entertainment items. Off on a tangent as always :p
was good to finally meet you all too, will be many more to come! :D

thanks for the mud flaps too, they seem good quality, im in sheffield till thursday so il try and get them fitted at the weekend :eek:k:
Always good to see our 'Dink! :-D And always good to find an FRP driver who we actually like. :eek:k: It's a fairly short list at the moment, but you're on it Mike!
When we got there - Dink was already there.


Unfortunately it was dark before Mike got there so no pic.
I do like the black :)

Hopefully the colour I get... But Hopefully going to get an FRP!

By the way bro..... The spell checker on this forums is god damn Americanised!!!! ( Americanised shouldn't have a Z in it!!! )