My Puma 1.7, more than a year on (A works in progress)


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Last install before the show at officer you can't have a look at it! :grin:


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Hi Guys
Andrew and I were speculating whether it was my double denim or Andrews Rick Parfitt? hairstyle, shucks it was me after all :)
Going back to the problem of the HCV valve to thermostat housing hose rubbing on the rad fan support when we met at Sherburn on Sunday Paul (748) had kindly brought me a replacement hose. So I made a replacement support bracket out of the back of an old washing machine as the car Paul had taken this hose off also didn't have a support bracket.


To put some more strength in the bracket I cut out another piece to weld to it.


Then welded them together.


Then etch primed and painted silver.


Bracket where it should be holding the hose away from the fan bracket. I haven't fitted the new hose as yet as I have ordered a new HCV from STEAVIE on here so I will fit the Hose and the HCV when the HCV arrives.

That's a great job Barry, looks very original :)
Get some more made up and sell 'em :lol:
I'm sure there's lots of Pumas running around with plastic ties holding the hose away from the fan.
Hi Paul
It took so long to make my pay rate would be less than a 10 year old kid in a Bangla Desh sweat shop :lol:
I do hope if anyone reads this they have a look at the hose on their cars as mine's nearly through and could bust at any time.
The new HCV from STEAVIE arrived on Friday and at £40 delivered for the latest Ford updated part I'm well pleased.


So first of all took off the splash shield.


I was going to be replacing the thermostat to HCV valve hose (thanks Paul) at the same time as I replaced the HCV so I had to take off the headlight and alternator to get the spring clip off the stat hose.


I also had to take out the battery and tray to access clips for the hose.


This is the state of the hose I took off mine and you can clearly see the two grooves cut into it by the fan support bracket. Another few miles and the hose would have blown, all because the support bracket was missing.

New hose fixed in place with a Jubilee clip now rather than a spring clip so I can remove the hose without taking off the alternator.


New HCV and hose fixed in place.

Hi Sinisa
Thanks very much. It took about 20mins to do the HCV and a long time to do the hose but that was punctuated by many smokes and cups of tea. As it happens the HCV I took off was working and the inlet/outlet tubes were in good condition but at least I know it's been done now.
I finally got round to getting my Brother in law to do me some vinyl for my new wheel centres in two colours. I've got to work out which is best now.


Wheel centre plain.


Wheel centre black.


Wheel centre red.


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