Sills Group Buy (Potential!)


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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2013
Morning All,

I'm expecting a phonecall from a steel press company regarding manufacturing sills for the puma later today. I haven't got many details yet but they suggested that a minimum quantity of 50 pairs would be required to make it economically viable.

Being, as they are, absolute rot boxes I'd imagine everyone at some point will need to either repair / replace their cat's sills. With a show of hands how many of you would be interested in purchasing a pair of complete sills to use now or store for future use?

Current interest:-

1 set - ArtfulHussy
2 sets - Flying Scotsman
1 set - quest63
5 sets - Bentleya
1 set - 3dcandy
1 set - CherryVimto
2 sets - IanC
1 set - mix2000
1 set - Dwighet
1 set - rnnicol
1 set - myweepuma
1 set - XAF
1 set - paulsmiffy
1 set - Rollcage
1 set - noggienoo
1 set - sleepingcat
2 sets - MikeB
1 set - alexwilliams840
1 set - Cibbie
1 set - dstroi
1 set - Ste_rich
1 set - Sparx
1 set - aaron86
2 sets - CTH-racing

Current interest total: 32
I'm tentatively interested however 50 pairs is probably a tall order, good on you for trying though :eek:k:
I know it's a large quantity. :(

I'm hoping between us and pumapeople we might manage though...

Do the FRP's share the same sills or have they got different ones because of the rear arch shape?
I've been advised that we would need to either get the sills to them or get a car to them so they can get a look in person. Now I'm based in Aberdeen. I would dearly love to drive my cat all the way there but she is a thirsty whoor. Is there someone based locally I can travel down and meet up with and we can head to the workshop to meet the guys?

In the meantime I need to do some more market research!
Perhaps your sills could be scanned and the info emailed, but maybe the metal guys aren't that hi tech?
Rob is the only one I know that has originals and exactly what people would need.
Im just wondering if there is nowhere closer to someone that this could be done?
Alternatively there are a few things for this company, they want to see them, on a car, if they just want to see a car won't extensive photos be sufficient? If they want to make a mock up mould on a car, then you can could out my car in that respect, ive come a cropper before to moulds being made from parts on my car.
But I say this as I will be driving to Scotland next week and I could potentially stop in if they just want a look, measurements and nothing more.
If you can find somewhere closer then I would welcome the info, I've only approached 3 companies over the past couple of days. This is the only one to show genuine interest (potentially long term production if it's justified).

As it is, and from speaking to the chap this morning, I would really like to be at the press works to see what they would do. He briefly explained method over the phone but it wasn't easy for me to grasp. I can get photos of mine (half dismantled at the moment anyway) to send him in the meantime and see what they come back with.

Mac what sort of timeframe will you have to drop in next week?