Sills Group Buy (Potential!)


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I went to see the company in Aberdeen earlier today but essentially what they are offering is a fixed width of metal curved along the length to match the profile of the front of the rear arch (ya following? :)).

I personally don't think this would be appropriate?
Hi ArtfulHussy
I think that's about the best you'll get as the original panel is a steel pressing which without the original tooling will be far too expensive to replace. The original Ford panel is called a step sill as it has the step into the car whereas the panel offered would be a skin sill (minus the step and that part of the sill behind the front wings). The skin sill was the section that was always offered as an aftermarket repair panel and for most people would do the job as long as it incorporates the bottom flange where it joins onto the inner sill. You wouldn't expect to pay too much for these repair panels, however.
Yes it would be ok for most people, however if the front of the sill (behind the wing) is rotten as well that would have to be dealt with by cutting out and patching. My guess is that if your sills are rotten enough to need replacing there will be as much work behind them in the inner sills, floorpans and other strengtheners.
I'm happy to get a price for this kinda thing for anyone interested in that (although I suspect most would manage to find someone nearer to hand that could do this for them). Just give me a shout.

As far as getting copies of Rob's sills I am a little stuck at the moment. I could drive my puma down to Leeds but it would cost me about 4 tanks of fuel.. (is that normal!?) so I don't fancy it. Not sure when I'll manage to get prices for them (if at all) so have to bear with me for the moment!
Hi again
I don't think you could copy the original sills as they are pressings and even Ford charged either £160-£180 for theirs so if someone was to re-tool to copy they would cost a fortune. If you use your car as an example to make some skin sills economy of numbers should keep the price down.
When I spoke to the pressing company they mentioned something about jelly moulds for small batches. He did try to explain the process over the phone but it went way over my head. As I've mentioned I'm more than happy to ask the Aberdeen company to make skin sills if folk would like a pair - just need to know how many.
It might be an idea to show the firm the photo of Robs sills and ask them to send you a drawing of what's the best they can achieve and then canvas people again. If they can only make skin sills it would be a good idea to ask them to make the panel taller once past the door as them more of the rear wing can be cut out to do repairs, if needed, on the inner structures.
tuonokid said:
It might be an idea to show the firm the photo of Robs sills and ask them to send you a drawing of what's the best they can achieve and then canvas people again. If they can only make skin sills it would be a good idea to ask them to make the panel taller once past the door as them more of the rear wing can be cut out to do repairs, if needed, on the inner structures.
:eek:k: I like your thinking. :eek:k:
I've already sent them the photo of Rob's sills.

The company that was offering to make skins was suggesting something that went to roughly the swedge line on the quarter, is this around the height you're thinking?
The bottom swage line is about right it's about 3" up from the bottom of the door shut. The only other critical thing is can they match the return into the wheel arch as you would expect that with a skin sill and if you were making your own you couldn't do it without cutting wedges out of the arch lip as the sill bends towards the bottom of the car.
personally if I was going to all the faf and trouble of welding in a new sill section i'd buy the proper part from ford..easily available on a next day delivery from Daventry... why would anyone want a cheap copy?? beyond me :?

It's something your only going to buy and fit once so why not buy the genuine part for the job?

Just my thoughts..
el dude said:
crickey :eek: what, both sides now un-available? non in Germany stock either.?
The part numbers are 1040891 and 1040892 if you want to try your sources, Chris.